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Brinkley's Defining Vision
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This 5 page paper analyses and summarizes the book, Defining Vision: The Battle for the Future of Television by Joel Brinkley. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: KTbrivis.wps

British Airways
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This 11 page paper is written in two –parts. The first part is an examination of the airline industry and how it has created change, this is outlined and then examined with the use of a PESST and a SWOT analysis. The second part of the paper looks at how British Airways has developed and adapted to competes in this changing environment. The Airlines strategy of differentiation and use of technology, supply chain management and innovation, to achieve efficiency and excellence included in this section. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEBritaw.rtf

British Airways and Ryanair
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This 8 page paper looks at two companies in the same industry and shows how the larger company may gain advantages acquiring the smaller company. The examples used in this paper are British Airways and Ryanair. The paper has an in-depth SWOT analysis of British Airways which is then use to assess how an acquisition of a low cost airline, such as Ryanair may add value to the company. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEbritryan.rtf

British Airways' Merger With USAir
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A 6 page paper discussing the benefits and detriments of British Airways' merger with the US-based airline in 1992.. At a time when the entire industry was losing unprecedented sums of money, BA was able to remain profitable, though only barely so. USAir was losing less than its US-based counterparts, and the two of them together had a chance to pull themselves out of their financial slump. Other US-based carriers and even the national airlines of several European countries opposed the idea, however, believing that increased competition would deepen their already-serious deficits. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: USAir.wps

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Using the example of BP, an energy firm, this paper discusses the significance and importance of how a corporation deals with change in several areas including culture, systems and synthesis, alingment and integration and customer relationship/market focus. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: MTbripet.rtf

British Petroleum and Treasury Risk
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This 7 page report discusses British Petroleum Company, PLC, in terms of the Treasury risks to which it is and has been exposed. As a result of restructuring in 1994, BP became a company of smaller, more autonomous units in place of the previous centralized regional teams. The 'view from the top' has always been that these units could be more creative and efficient through the sharing of knowledge and best practices. Such factors are equally important throughout the evaluation of potential Treasury risk. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Filename: BWbp.rtf

British Telecom and Quality Management
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This 5 page paper considers a recent article regarding British Telecom and how this indicates the current status of quality management in the company. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEbtcom1.wps

Browning Ferris Industries
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This 25 page report discusses the environmental management company BFI (Browning Ferris Industries) and its economic interactions within the realm in which BFI operates. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: Bfi.wps

Bryson’s 10 step Strategic Planning Process
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A 7 page paper discussing the value of Bryson’s approach to setting strategy. In today’s business and public administration environments, the only thing of which organizations of either type can be certain is that regardless of how things are today, by tomorrow many of those things will be different. The most successful organization is that which can recognize trends and plan for the future changed in the manner anticipated. One of the tools commonly used for strategic planning is John Bryson’s 10-step strategic planning process. The purpose here is to identify the advantages and disadvantages contained in Bryson’s framework. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSstratBryson.rtf

Budget Control at AT&T
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This 5 page paper examines an established control measure that AT&T has put in place. First quarter results are barely in, yet AT&T Broadband already is acting on the information gained from them. Revenues have increased, but cash flow has declined and the company has announced further job cuts as a result. AT&T has implemented budgetary control to inform and direct its decision making, taking it from the emotional to the objective realm where it can best benefit the company. This is not standard fare from a large company that is supposed to be bureaucratic and unable to act quickly. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Filename: KS-ATTcontrol.wps

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