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Papers On Management And Business
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E-business models
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This 8 page paper considers three models of e-commerce, business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C) and consumer to consumer (C2C). The paper examines the models by examining an example company for each model; Dell, Amazon and eBay. The paper looks at issues such as who are the target market, the companies web sites and the facilities of the web sites themselves, how they market and the benefits of the model to both seller and purchaser. Te bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEemodel.rtf

E-commerce and Consumers
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This 21 page paper considers e-commerce and the consumers. Undertaken as a comprehensive literature review. The paper includes an examination of the current status of e-commerce, including statistics and figures in the use of the internet, the growth of e-commerce and the users of the internet. Other issues discussed include the marketing mix, the decision making process, security and advantages and disadvantages for consumers making purchases on the internet. The bibliography cites 25 sources.
Filename: TEecomby.rtf

E-Commerce via Internet: Ability to Influence Organizational Goals
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An 11 page paper discussing some of the uses of the Internet in ecommerce. The Internet has provided a venue that allows organizations to achieve all the ends they sought before, with the addition of another venue that can positively contribute to the organization’s bottom line. Business-to-customer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) applications can function through the same website, through the same server, bringing streamlined IT management and greater efficiency to the organization. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSeComm02.rtf

E-Commerce, Physical Stores, Sales Taxes
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An 8 page paper that addresses two specific questions: What impact does e-commerce have on brick-and-mortar stores? What impact does e-commerce have on sales tax revenues for cities and states? Everyone knows that e-commerce sales are still increasing exponentially. Some analysts argue this trend will only get stronger and will eventually force physical stores to close while others argue that e-commerce, at least in terms of the average consumer, will dwindle and die. Neither argument is valid. This essay discusses the effects of e-commerce and how it can be complementary to physical stores, not a substitute. A discussion regarding the reported loss of sales taxes for cities and states presents some interesting data. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGecmtx.rtf

E-Commerce; An Article Analysis
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This 5 page paper analyses an article aimed at informing businesses of the opportunities and role of e-commerce and the internet. The paper looks at what the article is saying and the content, considers the implications and then concludes with the decision that it is a biased, and explains why. The bibliograohy sites 1 source.
Filename: TEecomat.wps

E-Commerce; Gap Inc and Nordstrom Inc.
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This 17 page paper compares the way in which Gap Inc. and Nordstrom Inc. compete for business on the internet. Then paper includes consideration of what is meant by e-commerce, background to both the companies as well as an examination of the companies’ strategies and the way these are reflected in their web sites. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TENordgp.rtf

eBay – A SWOT Analysis
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This well written 7 page paper undertakes a comprehensive and in-depth SWOT analysis of eBay, looking at its strengths weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEebay1.rtf

Economic Value Added (EVA) and Western Atlas International
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A 30 page research paper the provides an overview of EVA principles and relates them to the status of Western Atlas International, a Los Angeles based company. The writer supports the view that Western Atlas could benefit from EVA principles in their business and management divisions. Bibliography lists 18 sources.
Filename: EVA.wps

Effect of Risk Management on Security Management Policy Formation
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An 18 page paper discussing issues that need to be addressed when forming security risk management policy. The very essence of developing an effective security policy is dependent in great extent to the level of risk that exists. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that network and computer administrators face the threat of security breach each day. Building security is less predictable, particularly as groups of fanaticals place their energies into dreaming up increasingly grand plans for murdering innocents by the thousands. Those responsible for forming and implementing security management policy must be aware of the types of risk faced by the organization and then control for contributing factors. The paper discusses management of risks that are both physical and informational. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSsecurRiskMgmt.rtf

Effective Employee Relations And Communication
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A 10 page paper. What is the most essential factor in effective employee relations? The writer argues that it is communication and having appropriate communication channels and systems established in the organization. Communication is the basis for success in all relationships and that includes the employee-employer relationships. Specific examples are offered citing companies that have gained remarkable amounts of loyalty from their workforce due to the exceptional communication processes used within the company. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGorgcom.wps

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