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Papers On Management And Business
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Delta Air Lines
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A 7 page essay that investigates Delta Air Lines' readiness to enter the 21st century. In just over three years, Delta has gone from near-bankruptcy to a profitable company once again. The improvements are the direct result of upgrading and expanding information technology systems. How IS impacted their performance is discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGdelta.wps

Delta Air Lines Finances And Investment Information
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A 5 page paper discussing Delta's performance during the quarter ended September, 1998, the first quarter of the company's fiscal year. The fortunes of all airlines has improved with lower fuel prices in the past two years, but Delta has taken advantage of the savings more than some of the other ones have. Delta continues to accumulate record quarters, building their cash reserves while also buying back some of their stock, and they recently have had a stock split that makes investing in the company easier for the small investor. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Deltafin.wps

Demise of Microsoft?
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A 12 page paper discussing implications of the verdict in the Microsoft antitrust case. Attacks by both the government and Microsoft's would-be competitors have escalated, and it appears that Microsoft will lose its long-term battle. Arguments of both the government and the competition are weak, but common sense has not been known to reign in these days. That Microsoft could cease to exist as we know it because of a poor product that was so bad the company had to give it away with something else is unconscionable, but the threat is nevertheless very real. It is likely that we will be seeing a far different face in software development and publishing within the decade. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KS-MS2000.wps

Detecting Fraud -- An Auditing Issue
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This 6 page report discusses the essential value of detecting fraud through the use of an internal audit. Because any organization, regardless of size, mission, or purpose faces the potential of fraud, it is a highly volatile issue. The fraud is often the result of a willful redirection of funds by a dishonest employee. It can also be the result of bad management with the ultimate result of a perpetration of fraud upon customers or within the organization itself. An internal auditor seeking out fraud faces issues dealing with accountability, fiduciary responsibility and, in many cases, illegal activity. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWaudfrd.rtf

Developing a Technological Strategy
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This 5 page paper considers how a technological strategies may be developed, what type of information needs to be considered, how different needs should be assess and how these may be brought together to create value by maximising tangible and intangible resources, including the customer base. The writer also considers when the strategy may need to be amended for different departments within a company. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEtecstr.rtf

Diageo and Burger King
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This 5 page paper consider the reason why British Drinks company Diageo may have acquired the fast food chain Burger King by looking at the way acquisitions and diversification are often perceived as adding value. The paper then considers why Diageo may have decided to sell Burger King at a knock down price. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEDiageo.rtf

Dial Corp; A Performance Case Study
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This 11 page paper look at the Dial Corp using several tools to evaluate its performance, these include a SWOT analysis. PEST analysis and Porter's five forces. In addition to this a comprehensive financial analysis of recent performance is also included, the paper concluded with recommendation for concentration on core competencies and downsizing. The paper includes 3 graphs and the bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEdialco.wps

Differentiation Strategy
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This 5 page paper looks at the ways in which differentiation may be used as a competitive advantage and how a strategy may be formed in order to use this advantage described by Michael Porter as one of the only two available competitive advantages. The paper looks at different types of differentiation and includes consideration of the financial implications. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEdifstr.wps

Differing Attitudes Toward Nature: The Impact Upon Ideas Of Control And Power To Specific Countries And Business Organizations
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11 pages in length. Differing attitudes toward the concept of nature significantly impact upon ideas of control and power as they relate to specific countries and business organizations, inasmuch as there is no way to escape the influence that nature has upon virtually every aspect of life. Typically, cultural elements represent the primary differences that exist between and among various countries and business organizations for the reason that culture stands as the dictating force behind issues associated with nature. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCnatur.wps

Digital Rights Management
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A 12 page paper discussing the present state of development of this technology. Digital Rights Management (DRM) is a proactive approach to protecting intellectual property that exists in digital – i.e., downloadable – form. National and international copyright protection has been found not to be enough to protect the rights of those owning rights to intellectual property. The entertainment and software industries particularly have been adversely affected by individuals’ abilities to appropriate content for their own use (or worse, for sale to others) without paying developers or providers for the benefit they receive from the products. DRM is an emerging technology that seeks to rectify that situation, at least in part. The paper discusses Intuit’s use of DRM protection in TurboTax® and Microsoft’s proposed Palladium product. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSitDigiRightsMgmt.rtf

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