Papers On Native Indian Studies
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"The Broken Spears": The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico
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A 6 page overview of Miguel Leon Portilla's "The Broken Spears : The Aztec Account of the
Conquest of Mexico". Reveals that this book differs from typical accounts of the conquest of
Mexico in that it is one of the few accounts which is presented from the aspect of the indigenous
peoples who lived there rather than from the perspective of the European marauders who
invaded their lands and killed their peoples. Examines the question of why the Spanish were able
to conquer the Aztec. Suggests that this accomplishment is not just due to technological
superiority but also to Spanish mindset. The Spanish conquered the Aztec by destroying their
culture and exposing them to the ravages of disease. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPaztec.wps
Native Civilizations of Latin America
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A short, 4 page look at the history of pre-Columbian Latin America. Meso American civilization (mostly Aztec and Maya) is explored in this essay with reference to specific tribes (Olmec, Toltec, etc;) and large cities (ex. Tenochtitlan) that flourished. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Latinhis.wps
The Aztec Empire
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In 6 pages the author gives a general overview of the Aztec Empire. Their beginning, how they came about, their growth, success, and eventual decline are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Aztecemp.wps
The Conquest of Mexico as Described in Leon-Portilla's 'Broken Spears':
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A six page paper looking at Miguel Leon-Portilla's book 'The Broken Spears: The Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico.' The paper goes into the historical background of the event, and shows how the Aztecs' account of it differs from that reflected in Spanish writings. Bibliography lists three sources.
Filename: KBaztec.wps
The Farmers of the Valley of Anahuac & the Defeat by the Mexica
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The underpinnings of the Aztec Empire began with the defeats by the Mexica and the development of the Anahuac Valley, later known as the Valley of Mexico, and the integration of the Toltec people and the Aztecs into an integrated social and community structure. This 6 page paper provides a narrative view of the peasantry during the defeat by the Mexica and considers the early social, political and structural changes that occurred as a result of the initiation of the Aztec Empire. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Aztecmex.wps
Women in Colonial Latin America
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a 6 page research paper which examines the role of women in colonial Latin America. The colonial world of Latin America was intrinsically different from that of North America and this difference had a tremendous impact on the women of Latin America at that time. Although North America was rich in natural resources, the natives of North America did not have the gold of the Incas or the Aztecs. Consequently, the Europeans that came to North America's shores came to colonize-they brought women with them. Those early Europeans, specifically the Spanish, that came to Latin America did so solely for the purposes of exploitation, not for colonization. Because of this, the Spanish conquerors typically did not bring women with them from Europe. The writer argues that the native women in colonial Latin America were viewed by Europeans as simply one more resources that they could exploit. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Womncol.rtf
Native American Property Rights
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A 7 page discussion of Native American property rights. Provides a brief historical review of the move to the reservation system and tribally owned lands and then the pressures to dissolve that tribal ownership. Ties the concept of property rights into the issue of sovereignty and concludes that tribally owned lands are critical to Native American culture. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPnaProp.wps
Sherman Alexie’s “Reservation Blues”
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A 5 page paper discussing Sherman Alexie’s novel taking a far different tack on the native American reservation view of outside society. Reservation Blues contains condemnation of social issues as they stand, but Alexie’s talent prevents his work from being a novelized version of a lecture directed at evil whites busily subjugating Alexie and his people to their will. The book is highly readable while also being thought-provoking in its social commentary that, at times, can be stinging. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: ResBlues.wps
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A 5 page paper discussing the use of imagination in the book titled, 'The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven,' by Sherman Alexie. This book, filled with many hard-hitting and often humorous stories, uses imagination in many ways. On the surface the use of imagination is obviously used in light of the fact that Native Americans are often considered to be highly imaginative individuals. But beyond the surface lies some very real pain and suffering that can only be escaped from through the use of imagination on the part of the story's creator as well as the story's characters. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Lonetont.wps
Peyote & The Sacred Pipe / Their Use in Native American Religions
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A 5 page overview of two items of extreme importance to some Native American cultures, the Sacred Pipe and peyote. Describes the use of each and stresses that these are items of religion which deserve the same respect shown for any other religious object such as a crucifix or Star of David. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Peyote.wps
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