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Papers On Management And Business
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Facilities Management
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An 8 page paper discussing the role of facilities management and the roles of those involved in it. All business is obliged to operate as efficiently as possible in today’s competitive environment, and most are looking for additional ways of decreasing internal costs. The paper discusses the role of the facilities manager and workers as well as considerations in establishing facilities goals and objectives. It proposes that an appropriate measure is that of decreasing time devoted to “trouble” calls parallel to increasing time spent in preventive maintenance. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtFacil.rtf

Facing Budget Cuts in the Coast Guard
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A 7 page paper discussing a case in which the St. John district of Canada's Coast Guard has been faced with the necessity of implementing budget cuts. Morale is low in all ranks; discipline is lax. Crews are not required to maintain even minimum discipline and there is little regard for distinctions between private and professional life. The manager in charge is overwhelmed by the challenge of reducing the total budget by 10 percent over two years and has not yet realized that merely correcting inefficiencies can result not only in the minimum cuts necessary but also improve morale, quality and service to Canadian citizens. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSStJohn.wps

Fannie Mae
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An 8 page paper discussing the company that grew from its 1938 creation by Congress as the Federal National Mortgage Association. Today, it is responsible for its own business results but its continued existence is mandated by the federal government. It cannot merge into another company and so disappear, nor does it have complete freedom to seek its own course. Its purpose is to ensure liquidity in the mortgage market serving low- to middle-income families, a purpose it continues to serve quite well. Bibliography lists 10 sources; includes a chart and a table.
Filename: KSFanMae.wps

FedEx Corporation Analysis
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A 12 page paper that presents an analysis of FedEx Corporation. Topics include the types of services the company provides, subsidiaries, 2001 revenues, mission statement, a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), its current position, including a comparison with UPS, major projects the company is involved in at this time, the effect of today's economic and competitive environments on FedEx performance. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGFDEX4.rtf

Fictitious Case In Sales Management / Earnings Caps For Top Performers ?
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In this 6 page case analysis of a fictitious company, a top salesperson threatens to leave when her quota to earn bonuses is consistently raised each year to be higher than she earned during the previous year. The company's possible solutions to this problem are evaluated as are the potentially positive and negative outcomes of each. The interest of company & sales morale is figured in and it is ultimately concluded that payscales which reward top performers are indeed the most beneficial in the long run and that caps or "ceilings" should be removed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Salecas4.wps

Fictitious Case In Sales Management / Firing Moonlighters
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In this 7 page case analysis of a fictitious company, a manager finds that one of his salespeople has been lying about the reasons for his sharp decline in sales; Evidently, the rep had been moonlighting at a part-time job and the manager is now confronted with an executive dilemma concerning what course of action should be taken. The writer evaluates the internal and external implications of every possible decision (i.e. impact that firing the rep would have on employee morale, cost of replacing him, effects of disciplining him, effects of changing him over from salary to straight commission, etc;) and ultimately concludes that while it would not be reasonable to fire the salesperson, a switch to straight commission would be most appropriate in this case. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Salecas3.wps

Fictitious Case In Sales Management / Hiring & Assimilating Women
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In this 8 page case analysis of a fictitious company, the writer describes the problem faced by an older manager who has not found the same success in assimilating women as he had always found with men. The same motivations and invitations to social affairs that improved rapport with male salespeople only damaged relations with women. The writer presents possible solutions to this sales manager's common problem and evaluates each one- -deciding that the company will need to hire women trainers with experience in their field to help restructure company efforts and to make the new generation of saleswomen happy with their job. Short & long term implications of the proposed plan are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Salecas2.wps

Financial Analysis and Planning
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A 5 page paper discussing and illustrating how close attention to financial analysis and planning can increase corporate operational efficiency and profitability. The key to arriving at the optimum mix of price and product lies in an approach to financial analysis and planning that gives the organization increased competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSfinCorpPlan.rtf

Financial Analysis: Hongkong and Shanghai Hotels
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A 10 page paper discussing the financial results at this Hong Kong hotel group following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Room rates and occupancy rates were recovering slowly by the end of 1Q2002, and to the point that the hotels' management could have been justified in raising rates on its guest rooms. It chose to keep them lower, however, allowing it to better compete and to retain service levels of associated services such as restaurant and lounge operations. The paper discusses economic conditions before the attacks and the effects of the terrorist attacks on international travel. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KShotFinAn2.rtf

Financial Conditions at Apple Computer
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A 6 page paper discussing Apple's business results in early 2001. There is no question that Apple Computer is facing some difficult days, but its situation still is promising in that it appears to have taken note and acted in response to market conditions. The arrogance of the old Apple may at last be a thing of the past. Given the quality and reliability of its products, greater pricing realism should be warmly welcomed by consumers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSapple01.wps

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