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Papers On Management And Business
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Business Planning for the Self Employed and their Important Role within the Economy
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This 8 page paper looks at the importance of entrepreneurs in the economy and the role they play. They are the an important part of most capitalist economies and should be encouraged. In starting up a new enterprise it is also very important that they should be capable of developing a business plan, this paper will also show the student how a simple business plan may be formulated. The paper includes 2 graphs. The biblio0gra0hy cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEselemp.wps
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This 6-page paper discusses the differences between business plans and strategic plans. The paper goes on to define the requirements needed in developing both business and strategic plans as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTbsstpl.rtf
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This 4-page paper discusses several issues pertaining to the start-up of a small business including the purpose of a business plan, types of financing available and challenges facing married couples in business. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTbuspla.rtf
Business Research Process
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A 17 page paper reflecting a cross section of the type of work a business researcher could expect to see in the course of a week on the job. There are four separate projects included in this researcher’s representative work week, ranging from selecting a country for a new product launch to evaluating the demographic data from Zip code 60614 (a wealthy area of Chicago) as compared to the same data points for the United States overall. It also addresses organizational culture and types of businesses recommended for a new strip mall in Zip code 60614. Includes several charts, graphs and one large data table. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: KSresBizMgmt.rtf
Business Results at Kellogg Company
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A 5 page paper discussing the business results of Kellogg's fiscal year 1996. Kellogg is a nearly $ 7 billion company and is worldwide in its activities. It has manufacturing facilities in 20 countries and sells product in nearly 160 countries. Of those, the fastest-growing markets are Latin America and Asia. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Kellogg.doc
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This 3-page paper focuses on the process of making "big bets" in business, and whether it's wise to do so. Also discussed are what constitutes big bets in business and whether big bets are rational or non-rational forms of thought
Filename: MTbizris.rtf
Cable Telephone Market in the US
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This 5 page paper examines the US cable telephony market, looking at the size, major competitors, existing patterns and trends, forecasts and major influences. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEcabletel.rtf
Cable Television and Cablevision; Industry Report and Company Report
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This 10 page paper considers the current position of the cable television industry in the US, the structure, competitors and general characteristics, including a look at Porters' Five Forces Model. The second half of the paper then examines the company Cablevision, its position and performance against the industry environment. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEcable1.rtf
Cafeteria Customer Survey Analysis
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A 6 page paper presenting and discussing the results of a survey of hospital employee patrons to the hospital’s cafeteria. Survey results are divided into weekday and weekend workers, but there is little difference between the two groups’ assessment of the cafeteria’s performance. The paper concludes that the cafeteria’s food may be fine but that it lacks style or celebration of various holidays throughout the year. The report suggest that management survey customers to determine precisely what they want from their hospital cafeteria. 4 charts, 2 tables and an appendix. No sources listed.
Filename: KSstatsCafet.rtf
Campbell Soup's Plastigon
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A 5 page paper discussing Campbell's 1988 project management and product development dilemmas as discussed in Harvard Business School Case 9-690-051. Engineering, rather than marketing, managed product development, and apparently no particular group managed projects. By 1988, the vice president of engineering had come to understand that Campbell's current structure was not sufficient for the current business environment. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KScampPlasti.rtf
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