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Papers On Management And Business
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Building Value: Lessons From Outback Steakhouse and General Motors
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A 4 page paper comparing the state of business at these two companies in late 2004, for the purpose of determining whether the companies’ management teams are enhancing shareholder value. Outback continues its steady growth and healthy increases attributable to pioneering takeout service in its segment of the restaurant industry. In contrast, GM has just announced the latest round of recalls, bringing the YTD total for 2004 in early November to 10.5 million vehicles. The paper compares selected financial ratios to conclude that Outback management is enhancing shareholder value; GM is not. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtGMoutB.rtf
Business Analysis Models
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This 7 page paper looks at the different models which are available to business to analyse the micro and macro environments in which they operate and their accuracy. The paper consider Porters' models including five forces and four facets as well as the more well known SWOT and PEST tools as well as briefly considering the resource-base view model and the I/O approach. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEbusmod.wps
Business Analysis: eBay, Shell and Thomas Cook
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A 16 page paper comparing and contrasting the industries and types of businesses represented by Shell Oil and Thomas Cook (eBay is mentioned only in passing and is not part of the analysis). All businesses require accurate and useful information on which to base business decisions. The types of information they need will depend on the types of industries in which they operate, however. While most Thomas Cook customers could be expected to have no opinion as to the ethics of that company, many are vitally interested in the same measure regarding Shell. All businesses are obliged to take advantage of the information available to them as a means of increasing their competitive advantage within their industries and markets. The paper discusses environmental analysis, segmentation, positioning and research for both Shell and Thomas Cook. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSbusAnShelThom.rtf
Business and Globalization Questions
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17 pages answering 9 questions focusing on business management and theory, and on globalization’s effects. Questions’ topics include de-industrialization; knowledge management; just-in-time production; hacker ethic; and the new international division of labor. Each of these receive one-page replies; other topics receive longer replies of at least 2.5 pages each. These other questions address business process reengineering (BPR) as seen by Michael Hammer and Simon Head; how technological advances have affected the working environment over the years; knowledge management; and whether globalization has affected nations’ ability to control the course of technological change within their borders. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtBizGloQ.rtf
Business and Government Ethics in Product Reliability
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A 10 page paper examining the facts and ethics of the Ford-Firestone tires case, including assessment of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The Ford – Firestone fiasco began in earnest during the summer of 2000, the point at which neither company could continue to ignore the mounting problems with the combination of the Ford Explorer and Firestone tires. Neither company gave inordinate attention to the problems until forced to by consumer pressure aided by one particular lawsuit. The purpose here is to examine the ethical issues involved, not only on the part of Ford and Firestone, but also on the part of governmental regulatory agencies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSfordFireEth03.rtf
Business Approach to Playing Monopoloy®
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A 5 page paper discussing a plan
based on a business activity model to enhance chances of success. This approach should result in
an organization that is financially sound but willing to take on enough risk that growth can be
comfortably rapid. While the primary business will be that of real estate investment and
development, the secondary mortgage business will provide an additional profit center without
posing any significant financial risk to the organization. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSmonopoly.wps
Business Communication
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Choosing the Right Tools: A 5 page paper discussing the types of and reasons for business communication at various stages of projects. Every project, whether highly formal, highly informal or somewhere in between, consists of four phases: concept, development, implementation and close-out. Within each of these phases, the methods and forms of communication used by individuals and groups involved in the project are likely to change. The very success of the project can hinge in large part on the forms of communication used during any or each phase of the project. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KScomBizTools.rtf
Business Continuity Management
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This 13 page paper considers what is meant by business continuity management and crisis management, the value it can ad and why it should be an essential part of any business strategy. The paper then goes onto consider the choices available and how a plan ay be developed ad implemented. The bibliography ites 7 sources.
Filename: TEbusrec.rtf
Business Decisions; A Case Study
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This 3 page paper examines the different decision that could have considered when part of a business was sold and another built. The paper is based in a case study supplied by a student. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEbusdec.rtf
Business Decisions; Seventh Generation
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This 7 page paper examines a case study supplied by the student. The company Seventh Generation is examined, looking at how it competes, the way in which the leadership cultures of Newman and Hollender differs, why growth was so controversial and how the company was able t have a successful share offering despite making a loss. The last page of the paper then considers a business decision by a different company, looking at whether they should case one single large order. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TE7thgen.rtf
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