Papers On Management And Business
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Effect of Risk Management on Security Management Policy Formation
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An 18 page paper discussing issues that need to be addressed when forming security risk management policy. The very essence of developing an effective security policy is dependent in great extent to the level of risk that exists. It has been demonstrated repeatedly that network and computer administrators face the threat of security breach each day. Building security is less predictable, particularly as groups of fanaticals place their energies into dreaming up increasingly grand plans for murdering innocents by the thousands. Those responsible for forming and implementing security management policy must be aware of the types of risk faced by the organization and then control for contributing factors. The paper discusses management of risks that are both physical and informational. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSsecurRiskMgmt.rtf
Effective Employee Relations And Communication
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A 10 page paper. What is the most essential factor in effective employee relations? The writer argues that it is communication and having appropriate communication channels and systems established in the organization. Communication is the basis for success in all relationships and that includes the employee-employer relationships. Specific examples are offered citing companies that have gained remarkable amounts of loyalty from their workforce due to the exceptional communication processes used within the company. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGorgcom.wps
Effective Leadership: The Answer To The Problem of Organizational Crisis?
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5 pages in length. In the midst of organizational crisis, one can always rely upon a cry of defeat as a means by which to divert the true reason for failure. Indeed, the first point of blame is often cast toward ineffective leadership, provoking the questionable claim that all that is required is a good leader. How true that statement may or may not be is based upon the presumption that effective organization depends upon the skills of a single individual; in fact, there are a number of considerations above and beyond acquiring a good leader that determines successful organizational tactics. The writer discusses the effectiveness of good leadership in relation to organizational crises. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TLCleadr.wps
Effects of Offering Employee Discounts
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A 6 page paper discussing the practice
of offering employees discounts on products and services. In a tight labor market such as that
which has existed for the past several years, owners and managers of traditionally lower-paying
industries find it difficult to operate without offering either attractive salaries, employee discounts,
or both. Some businesses lacking merchandise on which they can offer employees discounts have
turned to third parties that contract to offer discounts on items and services outside the industry.
The practice is of great use in retail, but less in hospitality industries. Bibliography lists 15
Filename: KSempDiscount.wps
Effects of Price Elasticity and the 4 Ps
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A 4 page memo to the president of a regional chain of convenience stores, explaining the influence of price elasticity; the price component of the “4 Ps” of marketing; and a discussion of fixed and variable costs. The memo explains the store’s experience of decreased revenues after increasing prices, and demonstrates how lower prices can reduce operating costs and increase profitability. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtPriceElas.rtf
Effects Of Technology In The Workplace
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A 30 page paper that presents a model research study. The writer begins with an introduction that includes a statement of the problem: What are the effects of the use of technology in the workplace? and two hypotheses for the study. The introduction includes the different classifications of "technology." The literature review includes an overview of the effects of technology in the workplace and includes the results of a large study about the American worker. The methodology section includes the selection of participants for the study and explains the type of statistical analysis that would be performed. The findings section reports hypothetical findings from this study, including the acceptance or rejection of the hypotheses. Finally, the writer discusses the findings of this hypothetical study in relation to other literature, limitations and recommendations. 2 appendices include the questionnaire and the results of the questionnaire. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGtchwk.rtf
Eli Lilly; A Case Study
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This 12 page paper looks at the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly, first it looks at the history of the company going on to look at the internal strengths and weaknesses as well as the external environment. A brief SWOT analysis is performed and the strategies of the company at corporate and business level are also discussed. The bibliography cites 25 sources.
Filename: TElilly1.wps
Emergent Strategy
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This 8 page paper looks at the value and role emergent strategy plays in busyness. The reasons and decision behind the evolution of an emergent strategy with an original and unpublished case study used to demonstrate the value of this type emergent strategies, in conjunction with other more well-known cases. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEemegan.wps
Employee Attitude And Work Motivation: Organizational Culture And Rewards
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5 pages in length. The writer discusses how organizational culture and compensation rewards help to enhance employee attitude and work motivation. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TLCEmpAt.wps
Employee Performance Evaluations
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A 6 page outline that examines aspects of
employee performance evaluations. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: RAemplev.rtf
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