Papers On Management And Business
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Employer-Positive Aspects of the Employment Standards of British Columbia
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A 5 page paper discussing ways that increased government regulation can be of benefit to businesses in British Columbia. At first glance, the latest pass at standardizing employment practices and labor laws in British Columbia can appear to be yet another layer of governmental involvement in private enterprise. Though there are expenses in both time and money in reviewing, implementing and overseeing the progress of the results of additional legislation, there are benefits to the employer that are well worthwhile, including better planning of operations and more efficient use of financial and human resources. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSempStdsBC.rtf
Employers' liability
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A five page paper which looks at several options with regard to the formation of a company in the UK, and the ways that the Human Rights Act and the Data Protection Act will affect relations between employers and the workforce.
Bibliography lists 9 sources
Filename: JLlimlia.rtf
Employment and Labor Relations in South Korea and Taiwan
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This is a 5 page paper discussing the employment relations practices in South Korea and Taiwan. South Korea and Taiwan have slowly progressed towards becoming countries with high industrialization and have become significant players on the world markets. Within each country however exists slightly different aspects of employment and labor relations which have led to the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of their employees. In South Korea, labor struggles exist between the state, the family run conglomerates called chaebols and the labor unions. Although South Korea provides competitive employee packages, the conflict between the three groups has led to a recent general strike and relations were further inflamed in 1996 when the government passed legislation which would allow more strength on the behalf of the employers not the workers. Taiwan, on the other hand also has family run businesses and labor unions but the state’s participation is a large aspect of their employment relations and industrial success. Because of this cooperation between the three groups within the employment sector, the workers in Taiwan are provided with education, health and social services as well as enjoying some of the most competitive salaries and benefits in Asia and employment relations remain positive.
Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: TJSKorT1.rtf
Employment Segregation And Gender
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Understanding the interplay of gender, sexuality, and power as it relates to the social constructs that define every day life enables the individual to gain a better understanding of some of the shortcomings in theories of sexual interactions as it relates to gender defined roles within the corporate world. This 8 page paper discusses the reasons for the segregation of women from men seen within the workforce. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KTsegbus.rtf
Energy Industry
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A 23 page paper which examines many various aspects of the energy
industry as it applies to electricity, natural gas, solar, and other types of utilities. The main
focus is on electricity since it is still the most widely sold and used form of energy in this
country. The paper includes a section which discusses the history of the energy industry,
which is also directly involved in many current situations this country finds itself in,
being that little has changed in relationship to many facts concerning the energy industry.
this is followed by a section that discusses some of the political concerns, with main
emphasis on the current trend in deregulation. A brief SWOT analysis is also included.
The paper finishes with some prevalent information regarding the future of the energy
industry. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: RAenergy.wps
Enhanced Corporate Governance: Singapore
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A 25 page paper discussing corporate governance and small and medium sized enterprises (SME) in Singapore. The paper reviews a corporate governance conference held in 2000 and examines events at Enron and Rite Aid. The paper focuses on transparency and the need for accurate accounting. It concludes that a higher level of corporate governance can be valuable, regardless of the size of the company or the nation in which it is located. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: KScorpGovSing.rtf
Enhancing Customer Service at Saks
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A 9 page paper discussing Saks' need to enhance customer service. In all the verbiage surrounding Saks' new directions and experiments with new formats, there is not a hint that Saks has become any more committed to
providing higher levels of customer service. A vice president discusses inventories, controls and the pursuit of private labels, but not once does he mention the customer. While
maintaining its efforts to build the financial side of the business, management must heed Levitt's warnings about the power of the customer. If management is unclear in how to
increase customer service and therefore customer satisfaction, Saks' customers likely will be happy to advise management if management will only ask. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KS-SaksServ.wps
Enron And WorldCom: False Position Portrayal
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10 pages in length. Scandal, secrecy, misleading information, inaccurate financial reporting – all in a day's work for WorldCom and Enron, two of the worlds most corrupt and bankrupt companies. That employees and investors alike have suffered extraordinary economic losses at the hands of company executives whose own coat pockets were lined quite nicely prior to the breach of wrongdoing speaks to a sector of society that has placed the bottom line far, far before any ethical or social consideration. Bibliography lists 16 sources.
Filename: TLCEnWrl.rtf
Enron's Strategic Errors
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This 3 page paper discusses some of the strategic errors Enron made. Here was a company named as the most innovative corporation by Fortune Magazine for six years prior to its total collapse. The writer discusses errors made in diversification and in human resource practices within the company. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGen3.rtf
Enron: The Case for Auditor Independence
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An 8 page paper discussing some of the ways in which the Enron case is providing evidence for the need for greater auditor independence and corporate governance. Those encouraging internationalization of US accounting convention have suffered setbacks while those opposed to such a move are beginning to cite the case of Enron as evidence why the US system is not failsafe. The Enron case is still unfolding at the time of writing; the paper uses Rite Aid as a point of comparison in which outcome already is known. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSaudIndEnron.rtf
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