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Papers On Management And Business
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Directions for Disney
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An 11 page paper discussing internal and external factors affecting change at Disney after merging with ABC. Disney grew tenfold in ten years under the leadership of Michael Eisner and his total command style of management. The merger with ABC created an entertainment behemoth facing several choices of which direction to travel. As is common to any other company, Disney needs to determine its own vision for the entertainment industry and the part that Disney intends to play in the future. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSdisneyDir.rtf

Diversity at Sonic Corporation
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A 10 page paper discussing Sonic’s brand of fast-food operations, particularly as they relate to diversity. The company makes no overt diversity statements, but its management practices reveal that it is fully comfortable with the matter. Its president is a woman; its director of marketing is a woman whose first job with the company was that of switchboard operator. It recently has expanded into Mexico on a franchise basis, and local stores reflect the racial mix of the immediately surrounding area. Sonic has high and stringent financial requirements for new franchisees, however, and the paper recommends that it add an “information clearinghouse” assisting individuals in locating and securing financing assistance. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtSonicDiv.rtf

Diversity Between Customers and Employees
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A 10 page paper discussing implications of lack of diversity in the workplace and how it can affect relations with customers of varying ethnic and racial backgrounds. Many organizations have diversity programs in place that focus on internal relationships, but from the customer's perspective, it must be the "front line" employees - those with the greatest degree of direct customer contact - who are most cognizant of the fact that people are people, regardless of the color package they inhabit. No other area of operation has the same ability to directly affect the bottom line. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSdiversCust.wps

Do Top Salesman Make Top Sales Managers?
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This 9 page paper considers the dilemma faced by many companies, should they promote their top sales person to a sales manager. The paper examines the advantages and disadvantages of the promotion and looks at what other influences, such as personal characteristics, that may influence the success or failure of a promotion. Real cases are used to illustrate the points raised. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
Filename: TEsalemg.rtf

Dominion Motors & Controls, Ltd.
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A 5 page paper that discusses a case prepared at Harvard Business College. The problem involves oil pumping motors and a company in Northern Canada. The scenario is presented, the problem identified, alternatives with pros and cons, the opinions of certain personnel and a recommendation is made for the company. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Filename: PGdomn.wps

Dow Chemical Company
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An 8 page paper discussing the business outlook for Dow Chemical. Dow is concluding the beginning phase of its recreation, purchasing its own outstanding shares of stock, selling businesses that it cannot reconcile with the definition of 'core business' and acquiring others that better fit the company's definition of 'core.' Dow is poised to take full advantage of the explosive growth in the big emerging markets of the world. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Dowchem.wps

Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Limited
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A 16 page research paper. Dr. Reddy's is a pharmaceutical company in India with a global presence. The company, through acquisitions, has become involved in several aspects of the industry. This paper presents an analysis of this company and provides a financial comparison between Dr. Reddy's, Aventis, GlaxoSmithKline and Takeda Chemical Industries. Headings include an introduction that offers a brief background of the company; company strategy, competitor analysis, industry analysis, and performance analysis of the four companies. Porter's five force analysis is used. 3 tables/illustrations are included. Bibliography lists 21 sources.
Filename: PGreddy.msw

Drake Inc.'s Need for Budget Reengineering
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A 5 page paper discussing the case of a fictitious company in dire need of redesign of its budgetary process. Drake is a multi-site manufacturer, and management is pleased with the performance of all but one of the plants. That plant consistently operates over budget and under the strain of having been under the direction of four plant managers in three years. The plant manager's immediate supervisor is insisting that the newest plant manager bring the company in under budget in only three months, though the supervisor has been unable to achieve a workable budget in more than four years. The paper discusses the deficiencies in the existing budgetary system; budgetary reengineering at Nortel, Sprint and National Semiconductor; and Drake's likely difficulties if it too does not greatly alter its budgetary process. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSdrakeInc.wps

Drucker: Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning
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A 6 page paper discussing one Drucker view of using knowledge management to enhance organizational learning. The shift away from the pure manual labor scenarios of old-style manufacturing are evident in all developed nations, even within manufacturing itself. Increased technical ability and knowledge management is seen as being critical influences on organizational learning, but it appears that many organizations are missing that point as they concentrate on building short term competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive business climate. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmgmDruk.wps

Duke Energy Corporation – Human Resource Project
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A 10 page paper that begins with a short description of Duke Energy Corporation. Duke is then compared to two competitors in terms of size, revenues and income. A human resource problem with the information technology department is described. The writer then develops a plan to correct the problem. Briefly, the IT department was in chaos with soaring costs and plummeting efficiency. A step-by-step plan is written for the problems that includes hiring a chief information officer, establishing standards, assessing skills, reviewing incentives, and increasing communication, among other actions. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGduke.rtf

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