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Papers On Management And Business
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Boeing; The Present Position and Potential Future of the Company
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This 8 page paper considers the current position of Boeing, including the strategic position and the threats, opportunities, weaknesses and strengths before going on to look at a potential acquisition as well as possible future strategies. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEboecas.wps

Boeing’s Launch of the 777
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A 10 page paper discussing the path to development of the 777, a fully customer-driven product even suggested by customers. How much deviation from the norm – and therefore true innovation – can there be in constructing an aircraft that will hold 300 passengers and must transport them safely? Boeing showed in the design and production of the 777 that its reach can be more extensive than could have been envisioned. In large part, it has its customers to thank for its success. The paper examines the general environment, internal and external environments and provides a SWOT analysis of the project. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtBoe777.rtf

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This 4-page paper discusses the advantage to Boise of this company's recent acquisition of Office Max. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTboioff.rtf

Bollengers [Book Store] / Death of an Independent
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A 5 page essay on the demise of the independent bookstore in the wake of the mega bookstores pushing them out. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Bollen.wps

Book Report: Purchasing For Manufacturing – Tutorial
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This 10 page paper is a book report of: Purchasing for Manufacturing written by Harry B. Hough in 1996. In this report, several chapters are used to demonstrate how one might select the most salient points from a book and present them in a report. Tutorial comments are interspersed throughout the paper. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Filename: PGpchs.rtf

Boots’ Place in the British Market
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A 16 page paper discussing the environment in which Britain’s Boots Company operates. An “everything” retailer, Boots offers a wide variety of disparate goods and services to the consumer in the United Kingdom. The paper assesses Boots’ position in its market through PESTEL analysis, examination of the retail sector of the UK economy, internal analysis of the company and the uncommon use the company makes of its loyalty card plan. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtBootsUK.rtf

Borders Group Acquires Books-A-Million
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A 4 page paper discussing the terms of Borders’ proposed acquisition of its small competitor. There are several approaches that Borders can take in financing its hypothetical acquisition of Books-A-Million. Regardless of the route it chooses, it will need to ensure that the method used does not further erode its delicately-balanced ratio of assets to liabilities. Borders can choose to pay in any combination of stock, debt and cash, giving it the ability to be quite flexible in negotiating to buy Books-A-Million. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSfinBordBAM.rtf

Bottom-Line Business Ethics
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An 8 page paper discussing awareness and use of ethics and critical thinking in arriving at ethical business decisions. As the face of all American business underwent monumental change in the 1970s and 1980s, it appears to be poised to undergo still another wave of change in the form of greater attention to corporate ethical behavior. The purpose here is to investigate the origins of ethics; whether ethical behavior can be taught; and why today’s businesses so often seem to seek positive business results only for short-term gains. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KSbusEthicsTBL.rtf

Brewing Up Sales: Proposal to Supply Coffee to Peter Doughnuts
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A 7 page business proposal from Lighthouse Roasters to Peter’s Doughnuts to provide the 76-location chain with gourmet dark-roast coffee as a sole-source provider. Peter’s business has suffered from competition with Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts, and it seeks to add a gourmet coffee line in an effort to win back customers. Peter’s will sell its coffee at prices considerably lower than Dunkin’ Donuts, and far below Starbucks’ prices. The proposal suggests that Peter’s pays slightly more per pound than it had wanted to, while Lighthouse accept a price also slightly less than what it wanted, based on the belief that the increase in volume will translate to an increase in margin as well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSmgBizProp.rtf

Bringing E-commerce to Smyth Printing
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A 6 page paper discussing the planning process that Smyth Printing should undertake in preparation for designing and implementing an e-commerce addition to the business. The paper discusses system (whether manual or automated) analysis; identifying all that the company would want from an e-commerce application; and the most cost effective way of going about achieving its goals. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSitSmythPrint.rtf

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