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Papers On Management And Business
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Assessing the Value of IT
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A 5 page paper discussing the value of IT to the organization. Technological advances have alleviated some of these problems in organizations choosing to use the tools available to them, while also increasing worker productivity to allow organizations to operate far more efficiently than in the past. The purpose here is provide a framework for evaluating and prioritizing IT dollars with respect to the profitability of the enterprise. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSitOrgBene.rtf
Assessing What Constitutes Trade Secrets
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A 6 page paper discussing the efforts of Farber Corp. to sue CC INC. and M. Partridge for violation of the Illinois Trade Secret Act and for violation of the non-compete clause of the employment agreement that M. Partridge signed before beginning work with Farber Corp. The paper lists the primary determining factors of the existence of trade secrets, to conclude that Farber Corp. has virtually no chance of successfully proving either of its claims. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSlawNonComp.rtf
Assessment of Oticon’s Position within Porter’s Diamond Framework
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A 9 page evaluation of the markets that Oticon, a Danish hearing aid manufacturer, should pursue in its attempts to increase its share of the global market for hearing aids. Oticon is a name recognized by customers and hearing professionals in several areas of the world. Already possessing a global presence in several areas of the world, Oticon seeks to increase its share of those markets in which it operates. This paper examines Oticon’s position within Porter’s diamond framework to identify available alternatives and recommend appropriate action. The paper concludes with the recommendation that Oticon continue its attention to its Australian retailers, keep its prices higher than those of competitors and actively seek to take its products into Asia. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtOticonPorter.rtf
Assessment of the Bakery Business
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An 8 page general overview of the Bakery Business with Illustrative examples. Writer supports the business as a very lucrative one. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Bakery.wps
AT&T Corporation
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A 5 page paper that discusses AT&T's revenues and profit, their management processes, new involvement with the Internet, new marketing strategies, and plans for the future. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Attcorp.wps
AT&T Corporation vs. Sprint Corporation
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This 5 page paper compares and contrasts these two major telecommunications corporations. Innovations of each company are cited as well as their aggressive marketing strategies. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Attsprnt.wps
AT&T Divestiture: Its Effect on the Industry
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A 4 page paper discussing the effects that the 1984 breakup of AT&T had on the evolution of the telecommunications industry in the US. Introduction of market forces and direct competition drove down long distance rates to become far more affordable than had existed prior to divestiture. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSattDivest.rtf
AT&T Employees Survive Layoffs
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This 10 page paper explores the downsizing at AT&T and its effects on surviving employees. When any company downsizes, the survivors, the employees who did not have their jobs cut experience a myriad of emotions, all of which are negative. Productivity typically decreases. Some employees begin looking for other jobs. Everyone suffers. This essay discusses a proposal for determining exactly how the survivors feel, then offers some actions AT&T can take to overcome the negative effects of layoffs. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGattlay.wps
AT&T Wireless’ Competition Landscape
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A 6 page paper providing an overview of the cellular telephone service industry from an AT&T Wireless perspective. The paper concludes that AT&T Wireless has other interests, and it appears that serving customers is not among them. With price competition about as narrow as it can get, the company needs to place greater attention on customer service and make it easier for new customers to choose AT&T Wireless as their cellular and wireless data provider. The company currently is third in market share in the US. The paper includes a strategic groups analysis of leading service providers in the US, Europe and Japan. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtATTcell.rtf
Atchison Corporation Case
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This 7 page paper looks at the Harvard Business School case study of the Atchison Corporation. The case concerns a company where there has been increasing sales but decreasing profit following the appointment of a new CEO. The case outlines how the approach to the sales force needs to change to increase productivity by increasing motivation and valuing their contribution as well as supporting them with the marketing function. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TEatchison.rtf
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