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Papers On Management And Business
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This 5-page paper focuses on a fictitious school district and how one organizational development process -- appreciative inquiry -- can be used to help manage change within this severely problematic group. Also discussed are Kotters eight steps to change. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTappinq.rtf
Approaches to Environmental Strategy
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This 9 page paper analyses the differences approaches to environmental strategy that may be adopted by companies. The paper looks at different models, from total environmental commitment to the view of environmentalism as an unimportant aspect of strategy. The way in which the models may be applied is illustrated with real examples. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEenvstrat.rtf
Appropriate Management Style in Singapore
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A 15 page paper assessing Singapore’s readiness for participative management. This paper reviews views of business in terms of Asian culture and Singapore’s unique position to determine whether participative management is appropriate in Singapore. It concludes that not only is it appropriate, it also is very much in practice. The paper discusses management theory, management history, Singapore’s great progress over the past 40 years and gives examples of two leading Singapore companies already using business models most conducive to participatory management. One (SembCorp) has even adopted the philosophies of GE’s Jack Welch. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtSingapore.rtf
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This 11-page paper is a proposed case study for APC, a company that explores, mines and sells energy to worldwide interests. This fictitious case study, focusing on human resources, involves the organizational behavior of departments and what can be done to improve them.
Filename: MTaracase.rtf
Architecture Firm - Organizational Culture
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A 3 page paper that describes specific aspects of the organizational culture of a hypothetical architecture company. The aspects discussed include communication, management and the use of technology. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PGardor.rtf
Are Leaders Born or Made?
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A 4 page paper revisiting the question of whether leaders are born or made. The paper discusses personality and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to arrive at the conclusion that certainly the leader must have specific innate traits, but those traits alone likely will not allow the individual to achieve real leadership ability. Leaders are born, but those “born” leaders also require inputs such as education and experience that can lead to the observation that they were made rather than born. The more reasonable position includes both. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtLdrBorn.rtf
Are The Expectations In The Employment Relationship Changing?
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9 pages in length. The extent to which expectations in the employment relationship continue to change are both grand and far-reaching; that business itself has experienced significant change in the recent past has resulted in myriad modifications within the workplace, not the least of which include corporate downsizing and business communication. Bibliography lists xx sources.
Filename: TLCBizRela.rtf
Are the Old Management Accounting Techniques Still Relevant?
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A 5
page paper examining differences in "schools" of management accounting. There have been
business-defining changes in manufacturing systems and approaches over the past two decades,
particularly as increasing numbers of manufacturers adopt Just-In-Time (JIT) techniques. Some
management accountants believe that the changes in manufacturing systems and approaches also
warrant related changes in management accounting techniques. Others believe that the old
methods work just as well with the new systems as they did with the old. There appears to be less
difference between these schools of management accounting than is visible superficially. They
both seek to provide cost information in terms most meaningful to the organization, and both can
be seen as successful in their intent. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSmgAcctMfg.wps
Arguing to Keep Staff
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This 3 page paper is an argumentative paper that tries to convince owners not to reduce staffing as part of cost-cutting plans for a three star restaurant. The paper argues that the staff add a great deal of value to the business and are not the right target for cost cutting measures, especially when the value chain is considered. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEkeepst.rtf
Artemis Images
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5 pages answering 4 questions about strategies involved in the formation and demise of Artemis Images, which intended to sell digital pictures over the Internet. Questions address strategy, core competencies and key success factors. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtArtemis.rtf
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