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Papers On Management And Business
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BMW's Competitive Environment
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A 5 page paper assessing BMW's internal and external environments and identify which of Porter's Five Forces pose the strongest threat to its competitive advantage. The environmental analysis addresses the general, task and internal divisions, which collectively include the technological, sociocultural, economic, legal/political, international, customers, suppliers, allies, competitors, employees, board of directors, physical attributes and organizational culture dimensions. Evaluation of these dimensions and Porter's five forces ends with the conclusion that it is the power of buyers that has the greatest potential to negatively affect BMW's competitive advantage. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSbmwComp.rtf

BMW's Position in the Changing Auto Industry
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A 32 page paper discussing changes in the global auto industry and how BMW has both affected those changes and been affected by them. The continued slow demise of Detroit's auto industry and the growth of "transplant" factories of "foreign" cars in the American South has contributed to an emerging shift in the global industry. BMW has been a part of that shift: its South Carolina facility is the only site of manufacture for its SUVs, most of which are sold in the US but also are sold in other parts of the world. BMW has made some missteps in recent years, but apparently none as large as its primary competitor, Mercedes. As Mercedes strives to catch up, BMW continues winning market share. The paper discusses the issues in terms of Porter's Five Forces, strategic group mapping, identification of current and future trends. Includes 3 charts and one table. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSbmw2002.rtf

BMW; SWOT Analysis
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This 9 page paper looks at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats surrounding this independent motor company. The paper focuses on this analysis, with many examples used to illustrate the points raised, such as the marketing as well as research and development. Also included in the analysis are is the failed attempt and regenerating Rover. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEBMWswt.wps

BMW’s Fork in the Road
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An 8 page memo written to Karl Gerlinger, president of BMW North America, dated December 31, 1992 (before BMW established manufacturing operations in the US). The memo is based on Harvard case #9-593-082, set at the end of 1992 when BMW’s management was seeking a method of achieving its goal of selling 100,000 BMWs in the United States annually. In 1992, that figure was 66,000. The memo suggests that BMW build a manufacturing facility in the US, proceeding to outline the benefits of such a decision, which include lower fixed and variable costs than possible to attain in Germany, as well as opportunity to avoid US import tariffs on foreign cars. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSbmwNoAmerica.rtf

BMW’s Mini Cooper
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In 2001 BMW took a risk and re-launched the famous 1960’s small car; the mini. This 10 page considers the car and its markets, the way it competes in a fiercely competitive market and the value it creates for shareholders. The paper also looks at areas of potential improvement and outlines a plan for improvements to increase customer satisfaction and support future sales. The bibliography cites 21 sources.
Filename: TEbmwmini.rtf

Bob Evans Farms, Inc.
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A 4 page paper discussing current conditions at this restaurant operating company; examining economic indicators; and discussing the relative value of economic indicators for business planning. Bob Evans operates in the pure competition market structure, and as such, has the ability to affect only itself and its own results. The paper concludes that economic forecasts can provide a “best guess” for future conditions, but as no one knows precisely what the future holds, they cannot be expected to be totally accurate. Bob Evans’ best course of action is to turn its attention to product, price and promotion, three of the 4 Ps of marketing. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSeconBobEvans.rtf

Boeing / A Case Study
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Approximately 4 pages worth of case study analysis and notes on Boeing (corporation) written from a management/business orientated perspective. (Strengths, Weaknesses, Macro, Micro analysis etc;). No Bibliography.
Filename: Boeing.wps

Boeing Airlines Company / Contributions
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This 15 page research paper investigates the history of Boeing Airlines Company focusing on the contributions the company has made through the decades to the industry. This is the largest manufacturer of aircraft, both civilian and military, in the world. Their continuing innovative nature and commitment to efficiency and quality give them an excellent competitive edge for the future. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Boeing4.wps

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This 6-page paper examines the Boeing Co., its problems of the past several years and how organizational change models might work for this company. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTboecha.rtf

Boeing in the Year 2001 and Beyond
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A 10 page paper on Boeing's proposed merger with McDonnell Douglas, its current advantage in commerical and defense aviation, how its work in the community increases the company's strength, and financial information. The paper seeks to prove that Boeing's mid-1990's business moves thrust the company forward into the next century. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Boeing2.wps

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