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Papers On Management And Business
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Analysis of Toyota
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This 5 page paper is an analysis of Toyota, performing a PEST analysis to consider the political, economic, social and technological influences. The paper then uses Porters Five Forces model to examine the company's position in the industry. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEtoyota2.rtf
Analyzing The External Environment
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A 2.5 page paper. The components of the PESTLE analysis are identified as are Porter's five forces that drive an industry. The writer comments on advantages and disadvantages of each model. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGprtps.rtf
Andersen – Enron Relationship
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A 5 page paper that discusses specific aspects of the Enron crisis. The writer first provides 11 points in outline form that describe the relationship between these two companies and the impact this event had on Arthur Andersen. The second part of the paper discusses the parties who were most responsible for the crisis and justifies why these particular people shoulder the most responsibility. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGenand.rtf
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This 7 page report discusses the largest brewer in the United States in terms of its management style, philosophy, accomplishments, and future opportunities. Anheuser-Busch is undeniably an industry leader. The St. Louis, Missouri, brewery leads the industry in the United States with a market share of an amazing 47.5 per cent according to BrandWeek (06-19-00). Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: BWswotAB.rtf
Ann Taylor & Public Relations
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This 7 page paper presents a general overview of Ann Taylor Stores Corporation, including income for 1997 and reports some public relationships problems they experienced in 1996, including a lawsuit by stockholders. How executives of the company responded are discussed briefly. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: AnnTay.wps
Ansett Airlines
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5 pages in length. Since 1936, the Australian airlines named after founder Reginald Myles Ansett has demonstrated an unwavering attention to performance, safety and customer satisfaction. In order to maintain its high level of industry presence, company executives have endeavored to apply their objective from the inside out, capitalizing upon the importance of internal cohesion as it relates to external performance. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCanset.wps
Antitrust Issues - Case Study: Unique Channel
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A 5 page paper that responds to questions regarding a student-supplied case study. Unique Channel is a radio station company that has found a loophole in the law and dominates the radio market in Denver. The essay addresses these topics: has Unique's business strategy been an advantage or disadvantage for consumers and advertisers; is Unique's business strategy ethical; do competitors have a legitimate complaint against Unique. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGunqu.rtf
AOL Time Warner
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This 8 page paper considers the history of AOL, the performance of the company prior and post merger, the strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats as well as the competitive position and overall trading and strategy trends in the company. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEaoltim.rtf
AOL Time Warner Merger
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A 10 page paper that discusses the merger of these two huge corporations. Here was a merger like no other. Not only was it the largest merger in history, it was the first merger of a bricks-and-mortar corporation and a cyberspace Internet corporation, which created a new kind of company that crosses several industries. This paper provides background information on each corporation and the benefits that each company gained from the merger and the potential benefits for the consumer. The writer also discuses why the two companies wanted to merger. The conditions of the FTC and FCC approvals are outlined along with the conditions from the European Union. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGaoltwr.rtf
AOL TimeWarner
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A 4 page paper discussing AOL TimeWarner in terms of Porter’s Five Forces. Still the leading ISP in dialup, AOL is vying with Comcast for leadership in broadband, the only segment of Internet service posting any significant growth. AOL still has as many detractors as it did when it had millions fewer subscribers, but it also still continues to grow on its way to accomplishing the mission of becoming indispensable to subscribers. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtAOLTWPorter.rtf
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