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Papers On Management And Business
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Benefits of Workplace Safety in Construction (Summary)
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A 3 page paper summarizing a larger work, KShrWkSafety.rtf. By the very nature of the work they do, construction companies generally operate at greater risk for accidents and worker injury than do businesses in other industries. Those businesses incur greater costs in safety matters than do other types of businesses, and construction workers may complain that their companies’ internal regulations are too exacting. There are benefits all round, however, including better safety outcomes, increased productivity and a greater sense of community. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KShrWkSafeSum.rtf
Benefits Packages and Costs
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This 16 page paper considers the different types of benefits that are available for employers to provide for their employees. The writer considers benefits including vacations, life assurance, pension plans and considers the options along with the costs that they incur. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEbenpk1.rtf
Biblical & Secular Management
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This 4 page paper and 1 page outline explore the topic of differences between biblical and secular leadership in a business setting. Several companies are named including the fast food chain Chick-Fil-A. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Bibsec.wps
Blending JIT and EOQ at ABC Company
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An 8 page paper discussing operations problems at ABC Company, which imports and distributes tiles. The company uses the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) approach to inventory management so as to gain the most advantageous price on tiles that it can. Of course this is in ABC’s best interests, but there are cost factors that cannot be accounted for by EOQ alone. The paper recommends that ABC implement JIT as well, so that the two methods can be used to gain the best possible position for ABC. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtSupChnJIT.rtf
Blockbuster Video and Hollywood Video
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A 5 page paper discussing conditions
at these two companies. Blockbuster has had its share of rough times in the past several years,
and more can be forecast for the entire industry. A primary difference between the two is that
Blockbuster tends to focus more on increasing business efficiently, even if it does not become a
part of the local community. Hollywood's focus continues to be fixed firmly on the uncertain
future, while it does little to build business for the present. A shift of that focus could serve
Hollywood and its investors well. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSblockHolly.wps
Blockbuster, Republic Industries And Wayne Huizenga
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A 5 page paper that traces Wayne Huizenga's success from his waste management company through his Blockbuster days to his now Republic Industries, a very diversified company. This billionaire is once again bound to make yet another fortune as he continues his expansion into several different areas including car sales and rentals. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Blockb.doc
Bloomberg L.P. & Reuters Group PLC
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A 10 page paper that describes each company and determines which is the better company to use. Products and services each company offers are reported. The problems Reuters has had for a number of years is explained. 2003 sales revenues are reported for each company. The conclusion recommending which company to do business with is justified. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGblmrt.rtf
BMW and Rover
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This 3 page paper outlines the acquisition of Rover by BMW, why they made the acquisition and why it went wrong. The paper starts by considering the position of BMW within the automotive market, explains why the acquisition offered so many opportunities, why they were not realised and the strategy that BMW followed after accepting this failure.
Filename: TEBMWrover.rtf
BMW Case Study
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This 5 page paper examines the case supplied by the student, BMW have a problem, they have a long lead time and are losing out to competitors. The paper identifies the problems, looks at the supporting facts and then examines the potential alternative solutions, before making a recommendation of the strategy that should be adopted.
Filename: TEBMWcng.rtf
BMW SWOT Analysis
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This 4 page paper is a SWOT analysis of BMW, examining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The paper looks at the position after the sale of the Rover group and is based on a case study supplied by the student.
Filename: TEBMWSWOT.rtf
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