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Papers On Management And Business
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This paper examines Professor Joan Woodward's theories of the batch system in terms of manufacturing science, then proceeds to disprove these theories. The example used for doing this is Allied Corporation, as written about in the book Manufacturing Consent, by Michael Burawoy. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTallbat.rtf

Allocating Costs for Goal Congruence
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A 4 page paper discussing allocation of general costs and how what is intended to be a reward can instead become a penalty. Creative Consumer Consultants (CCC) is a corporate consulting firm with offices in New York, Chicago, Paris and Little Rock that currently assigns general costs to each office in a degree dependent on the office's contribution to net income. Altering allocation but not total amounts results in more beneficial means of achieving long-term goals. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSacctCongru.rtf

Alternative Dispute Resolution
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3 pages in length. The key to a successful business operation is for everyone to adopt a team mentality while at the same time hold onto the valuable individual aspects that complement the group as a whole. When this equation becomes unbalanced through conflict, however, the situation can quickly escalate to the point of closing down a small business or seriously compromising the productivity of a large corporation. It is at this juncture when alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a highly recommended approach for settling the issue. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLC_ADR.rtf

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A 5 page paper discussing Amazon.com's current position by means of a SWOT analysis. Amazon.com leads all other online booksellers, if not in profit than at least in recognition. It is the most visited site in the US and is one of the two or three top sites in Great Britain, France, Germany and Japan. The company has yet to show any business results but loss, but investors and management alike believe the losses are over. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSamazon.wps

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An 11 page paper that presents an analysis of Amazon.com, an e-commerce company established by Jeff Bezos. Initially operated from his garage in 1995, the company has expanded to 20 facilities, 3 million customers in 160 countries. This paper presents the background of the company, current operations, troubles they have experienced in the last two years and possibilities for the company in the future. A SWOT is included as part of the analysis. Financial data provided. 1 table is included. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGamzn.rtf

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This 20 page paper examines the internet retailer Amazon. The paper is written in two parts. The first part (18 pages), performs a value chain analysis and a Porters Five Forces analysis and then examines the overall strategy of the company. The paper ends with a short second section where the potential purchase of an iPod nano is used as an example to compare three shopping sites; Yahoo! Shopping, EBay and Amazon.com. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEamvalchn.rtf

Amazon.com / Company Case Study
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of the major components of the company Amazon.com, created in 1994 by Jeffrey Bezos. This paper provides a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) as well as a central company problem and three possible solutions. This paper concludes with a discussion of one of the three solutions and describes the implementation and possible benefits that can be derived. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Amazonco.wps

Amazon.com and Internet Jurisdiction
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A 5 page paper discussing Amazon.com's international operations and legal problems that the company potentially could become entangled with as Internet law continues to change. Amazon operates 9 sites (US, UK, China, etc.) and likely is bound by the laws of the country in which those sites are located. Jurisdiction changes have been occurring since an Australian court decided in 2002 that the site of injury imposed by a US site owner was Australia. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSebizIntLawAmzn.rtf

Amazon; Expansion and the Future of the Printed Book
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This 3 page paper is written in two parts. The first part considers the potential of Amazon to expand into ore product lines. The second part considers the future of books and whether the use of e-texts or e-books will replace printed books. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEAmazexpand.rtf

Amazon; SWOT Analysis
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This 3 page paper performs a SWOT analysis of Amazon.com, looking at the strengths and weakness of the company as well as the opportunities and threats that the company faces. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEAmazSWOT.rtf

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