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Papers On Business - Management
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Customer Retention by Use of the Customer Corridor;
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This 15 page report style paper considers the use of the customer corridor in retaining and developing long term relationships between suppliers and their customers as well as attracting new customers. The paper is written in report format, heading were supplied buy the student. The paper concentrates on the example of Cadbury Schweppes, but may be equally applied to any other company in a commercial environment. The paper includes two flow carts and the bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEcusco2.wps
Customer Retention in a Competitive Environment
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This 8 page paper looks at the way in which the mapping of customer corridor can help in retaining and increasing satisfaction of customers. This includes an explanation of the way in which the tool can be used and the benefits it may provide. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEcuscor.wps
Customer Role, Satisfaction and Retention in Regards to the Dental Practice of Dr. Sandra M. Finch, D.M.D.
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This is a 5 page paper discussing various suggestions and opportunities for customer satisfaction and retention in a dental practice. Assessment of the information available on the web site of Dr. Sandra Finch, D.M.D (, provides the reader with a good outline of the services available in her dental practice in White Rock, British Columbia. The web page gives background, education and training information about Dr. Finch herself under “Meet the Doctor” as well as other customer services areas such as “About the Practice”, “New Patient Information”, “Cosmetic Dentistry”, “Testimonials” and an email contact address under “Contact Us”. The importance of the customer/patient is emphasized throughout the web site and the invitation is also extended to welcome new patients. However, in order to retain her current patients and attract new patients, various customer relations procedures could be introduced which would provide a unique edge over the competition. These practices could include increased advertising through other areas of the media, public speeches to local social groups, customer satisfaction surveys, setting up a referral network, larger access through the web page, guaranteed appointment times and extended hours among other suggestions.
Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TJFinch1.rtf
Customer Satisfaction and Organizational Behavior
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A 12 page paper reviewing several empirical studies of customer satisfaction. There appears to be relatively few published empirical studies that specifically address the issue of customer satisfaction. Even fewer use the information gained to suggest changes in organizational behavior, at least at systemic levels where those changes can have the greatest effect. Those studies that do exist, however, bring valuable insights that together can lead to a synthesis of the information within them and understanding the theoretical frameworks in which each was undertaken. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: KScustSatOrgBe.rtf
Customer Satisfaction In Service
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A 6 page paper discussing current views of ways to enhance customer satisfaction in service applications. Service has been a larger contributor to the overall economy for several years, and the trend is only growing. Businesses spend millions on market research and inventive new ways to build new customers, but too many neglect their existing customers and allow them to be unhappy with the service they have received. Despite all the market research and consumer behavior research of recent times, perhaps the best route to increasing customer satisfaction is that paved by small merchants of a less sophisticated era, when there was no discussion of 'company policy' when a customer was unhappy, and the reasonable customer never, ever left unhappy with the solution Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Custsats.wps
Customer Satisfaction: Airlines
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A 10 page paper that investigates customer satisfaction as related to airlines. Formal complaints to the Department of Transportation have increased so much that both this agency and Congress are considering additional laws and regulations to protect the passenger. The essay discusses customer dissatisfaction and provides possible reasons for the lack of response from airlines. One airline, however, continuously receives high ratings. The reasons for this are discussed. Airline rankings are included as are examples. 1 table is included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGair3.msw
Customer Service
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7 pages in length. Customer service is the lifeblood of each and every business; from the mom and pop operations with 3 employees to the massive function of Microsoft or Dell, the foundation of successful commerce begins and ends with customer service. That is not to say customer service departments are the primary location for satisfying patrons; rather, every position from the seemingly unrelated behind-the-scenes worker to the very visible front house personnel is directly involved in providing customer service, not just those hired to field complaints. Understanding this simple yet often overlooked element is what separates success from failure. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCCustSrv.rtf
Customer service
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A twenty page paper which looks at the ways in which companies can improve their customer service rating, in terms of different organisational approaches and structures. Bibliography lists 20 sources.
Filename: JLcustserv.rtf
Customer Service and Culture at Ameritech
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A 30 page paper discussing the
state of customer service and competition at Ameritech one year after its acquisition by SBC
Communications. Ameritech is the "Baby Bell" serving the Midwest states of Illinois, Michigan,
Ohio, Wisconsin and Indiana and was acquired for more than $70 billion in October 1999.
Customer service never has been Ameritech's strong point, but it had let the residential and
business land-line infrastructure decline while it focused on offering long distance service and
entering other related markets. SBC's interest lies in wireless services. Combined, the two have
little interest in meeting the needs of customers using standard connections. To date, Michigan
has imposed legislated sanctions against Ameritech, and Ohio has imposed fines of several million
dollars for Ameritech's lack of responsiveness to customer complaints. The paper examines the
situation and poses several questions for middle managers. Bibliography lists 32 sources.
Filename: KSAmeritech.wps
Customer Service at 3M
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A 10 page paper tracing the evolution of 3M’s customer service from fragmented, erroneous and inefficient to the development of one of the most enviable systems in existence today. 3M’s first step was to develop a vast data warehouse containing all customer, sales and product information, then to link that data warehouse to the company’s website so that customers also can access their own information as well as view every one of the more than 50,000 products that the $16 billion company sells in more than 200 countries. The result is greatly improved customer service that also serves the principles of retention marketing and strategic account management. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSmgmt3MCustSer.rtf
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