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Papers On Business - Management
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Executive Fitness Center and Spa Financials
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An 8 page financial analysis for the startup business discussed in KSexecHlthSpa. Discussed are total startup costs; investors' expected contribution; first-year breakeven analysis; and anticipated cash flow patterns. Also included are sales forecasts for the first five years and pro forma profit and loss. No sources listed.
Filename: KSexecFitFin.rtf

Executive Health Spa Rationale
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A 5 page paper discussing the need for a fitness business aimed at male executives. Targeting the high-end, high-stress executive gives us access to those who both need the services the most and who can pay for them without the need for payment plans, insurance assistance or other such capital-requiring approaches. The target population sees the need for the service and its benefits. The ongoing complaint is that the varied services are not available in one place, and so are too expensive in terms of time. The organization discussed here will be able to resolve that primary objection, encouraging busy, stressed executives to take better care of themselves so that they can take better care of their businesses. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSexecHlthSpa.rtf

Executive Salaries; Are they Justified
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This 7 page paper looks ate the way that top executives are paid, and uses the evidence to argue that they are only paid this level because it is justified. Arguments against this point of view are also recognised and considered. The bibliography sites 9 sources.
Filename: TEexecsa.wps

Expanded Business Plan for Sweetwater Sweets
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A 20 page business plan that builds and expands on the 10-page version with additional information. Sweetwater Sweets is a confectioner establishment that has been in business for 26 years. Its present owners have maintained the business in a manner consistent with sound and standard practices but have reached retirement age and wish to dispose of the store. It carries a reputation of being dependable, reliable and offering midrange candies that are midway on a continuum between luxury designer chocolates and packaged mass-produced goods. This plan takes Sweetwater Sweets through its next generation of existence. The new owners envision expansion of the current location, operating kiosks in other local malls in the holiday season, targeting corporate clients and taking advantage of the opportunities offered by e-commerce. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSbizCandy20.wps

Expanding a Cincinnati Business to Asia
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8 pages. This paper deals with a hypothetical recommendation to expand a Greater Cincinnati business to another country that is a major trading partner with the United States. Considered will be the cultural issues that must be addressed in order to consider developing these plans. Additional topics that will be addressed are the enduring practices, characteristics, and customs that will likely differ from those of the United States, and why the other country would defend the way that it does things. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAgrcin.wps

Expanding A Construction Company To Jamaica
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A 5 page paper. A construction company in London is considering expanding to Jamaica. This paper reports the economy, the culture, and the telecommunications capabilities in Jamaica. It also includes considerations for setting up an intranet. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGjmca.rtf

Expanding a Shipping Company; The Choices
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This 12 page paper considers a case provided by the student with a shipping company that wishes to expand. The writer looks at the choices of operating alliance, joint venture and management contract. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEshipex.rtf

Expanding into Europe; A Case Study
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This 8 page paper consider trade within the European Union and takes the case of a UK retailer looking to expand to the continent. The paper looks at the background of trade in Europe, the fashion industry in Europe and the positioning of the expanding company; Mark One. The paper then undertakes a SWOT analysis and PEST analysis to explain the recommendation of expanding to into Spain as the first European expansion. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEfashin.wps

Expanding Into Malaysia and the US
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A 15 page paper discussing factors to consider in contemplating expanding internationally. An Australian bulb manufacturer has interest in expanding into Malaysia and the US, and needs to assess the economic, political and business environments in each nation. The company seeks to establish wholly-owned subsidiaries in each nation, and evaluates here the factors that can affect the company's success. It will be necessary to assess political and economic environments not only in Malaysia and the US, but within Australia as well. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSgloMyAu.wps

Expanding Tesco’s to Japan
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This 10 page paper outlines a fictitious plan to expand the UK supermarket into Japan. The paper considers the core competences and the existing competitive advantages that catheterise the company and then outline who these will fit in with the Japanese market. Issues such as resources and feasibility are also included. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEtesjap.tf

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