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Papers On Business - Management
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Financial Aspects of Exporting;
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This 3 page paper takes a concise look at some of the financial aspects of exporting, concentrating on the risks of currency fluctuations and the way in which this effect a company along with the measures a company may take in order to reduce the exposure to risk. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEexpcur.wps

Financial Concerns Regarding Acquisitions
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This 8 page paper considers a possible acquisition of a leisure company (a case study supplied by the student and included in an appendix is used). The financial issues are considered including the reasons for the sale including a decrease in turnover in recent years and the measures to be taken in order to reduce risk. The bibliography cites 5 sources
Filename: TEaquist.wps

Financial Conditions at Apple Computer
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A 6 page paper discussing Apple's business results in early 2001. There is no question that Apple Computer is facing some difficult days, but its situation still is promising in that it appears to have taken note and acted in response to market conditions. The arrogance of the old Apple may at last be a thing of the past. Given the quality and reliability of its products, greater pricing realism should be warmly welcomed by consumers. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSapple01.wps

Financial Planning & The Dial Corporation
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This 7 page paper analyzes financial moves made by the Dial Corporation in an overview on corporate budgeting in general. New ways of creating budgets is also addressed and Texas Instruments' unique style of streamlining the process is provided. Recommendations concerning the Dial's use of the budget in the future is included as well as a chart which highlights cash flow figures for the company's 1996 second quarter. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Dial.wps

Financial Planning Business
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This 15 page paper discusses two primary topics: setting up one's own business and buying into an existing business. The first part of the paper explains and discusses the essential steps in establishing one's own business. This includes a description of the types of business one may establish, e.g., sole proprietor, corporation, and the components of a business plan, including raising capital for the firm and the items to be included in the start-up budget and the operating budget. This first section also discusses the average number of hours a beginning financial advisor will spend on different activities. The next section presents other options, such as buying into a partnership and how this may be accomplished and working as an independent contractor with major financial planning firms. Average national salaries for financial advisors is also included in this second section. The conclusion recaps the major points. Data are included. 2 Tables are included. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGfnadv.rtf

Financial Records Lost In The World Trade Center Attack: Impact Upon Businesses
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5 pages in length. In the wake of New York City's recent tragedy, the news of subsequently unknown events are beginning to emerge from the rubble, not the least of which is the destruction of myriad businesses and organizations that operated out of the World Trade Center's twin towers. Aside from the more frequently reported human suffering comes reports that entire collections of financial records were strewn about and lost forever, creating unprecedented accounting problems for these businesses. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCrcrds.rtf

Financial Statements
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A 5 page paper that discusses the four typical types of financial statements public companies must construct and submit. How these statements are used is also discussed. Finally, the regulations that require these statements are reported. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGfnst.rtf

Finding a New Product and Marketing it
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This 21 page report style paper looks at the company DaimlerChrysler and looks at a way in which the company may seek to improve their current position by introducing a new product line; a motorbike. The report looks at the current market conditions and competitors as well as their own potions, and after this a marketing strategy is developed to launch and market the product. The campaign looks at the 4 P's and also includes sample cash flow forecasts and 4 graphs. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEmotbik.wps

Finding The Right People For The Job
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A 7 page paper addressing the increasing problem for employers of finding experienced, qualified people to fill both new and existing ositions. As the US economy continues its long prosperous upswing, it is increasingly difficult for employers to remain fully staffed, particularly at the blue collar and retail level. The paper gives the example of how the Chubb Group instituted policy changes to encourage employees to remain with the company. Competitive pressures are only building and businesses have to do all they can to contain costs and increase productivity in order to remain competitive. Constantly replacing or searching for qualified employees is a costly proposition. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: RightOne.wps

Finger-Pointing at Ford and Firestone
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An 11 page paper examining the early facts of the disastrous combination of the Ford Explorer and several Firestone tires. Neither company was forthcoming with news of the growing numbers of rollover accidents involving Explorers equipped with Firestone tires, problems that appeared in Saudi Arabia and Venezuela before becoming more common four hot-weather US states. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) only became involved after a 1998 lawsuit and at the time was unaware of the overseas problems. The paper discusses which company has been more responsive within the utilitarian model of the greater good and determines that it has been Ford, at least in the early stages. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSFordFire2.wps

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