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Papers On Business - Management
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Evolution Of Marketing Ethics From 1960 - 2001
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A 20 page paper. Some people would argue that "ethical marketing" is an oxymoron. Still, there are marketers who have tried to use ethical standards within their marketing efforts. This paper takes an historical look at ethics in marketing since the 1960s. Numerous issues are discussed, such as the predominant philosophies guiding the last forty-plus years, the fact that marketing typically follows a utilitarian perspective (which is explained) and perhaps there is a need to use another perspective. Examples are included. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: PGethmkt.rtf

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This 10 page paper defines evolutionary institutionalism, how it arose and why it is superior to the neoclassical concepts of economics. Examples, quotes, and analogies offered. Veblen, Marshall, Polyani theories discussed, as well as the creation of Laissez Faire practices and the theories of reciprocity, redistribution and market exchange. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MBeconevol.rtf

Examinging Microsoft in Terms of Theory
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A 10 page paper providing a history of Microsoft's product development and dogged adherence to products clearly not accepted in the marketplace. Though Microsoft's products carried no particular popularity with customers, they generally represented the less of several evils available. The company clung to Windows and Explorer long after it should have abandoned them in terms of useability, but there were few other comparable products available and Microsoft was the only publisher dedicated to its product enough to allow it to persist beyond what appeared to be its pinnacle. Others were not so committed, and still others were not able to give away their nonselling products as Microsoft was. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSMicroTheory.wps

Examining Nursing Leadership
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A 10 page paper that identifies an effective nurse leader; discusses several points of leadership theory as it applies to nursing; and ends with the writer comparing her own nursing leadership skills to those of the identified effective leader. The identified leader holds a vice president position and some differences can be attributed to the differences in administrative level, but “people” issues remain the same regardless of what level the leader occupies in the organization. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: KSnursLdrTheoPrac.rtf

Examining the Issue of Corporate Governance:
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This 11 page paper discusses the issue of corporate governance and how this contributed to the collapse of such companies as World Com and Enron. Furthermore, this paper focuses on accounting proceedures. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: GSWorldc.rtf

Example Memo on Employee Stress
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6 pages. This sample memo will help identify possible suggestions for reducing stress in the workplace. It is an informal report outlining five ways in which to reduce stress levels at work. Focus will be on expert advice and opinions, clear instructions for implementing the stress-reducing ideas and innovative suggestions. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: JGAmemos.rtf

Example Memorandum: Employee Layoff
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5 pages in length. This paper is a model for an inhouse memorandum, not intended for distribution to employees. It concerns the owner of a small printing company that has been operating for ten years who has to lay off one employee. Using ethical criteria we see how an employer would judge who to lay off and why.
Filename: JGAfires.wps

Example of Innovation or Reorganization in an Organization or Firm: Effects of the AOL Time Warner Merge
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This is a 6 page paper discussing the effects of the reorganization of the AOL Time Warner merge. The structural changes which occurred during the merge of AOL and Time Warner in 2000 forever changed the prospects, profits and organization of each company. Since the merge, the newly formed AOL Time Warner has lost the benefits of its major innovators in addition to several billions dollars in profits for the shareholders and also has led to the reduction of its work force by the thousands. The merger resulted in many reorganizations within the company, none of which have managed to regain the former success of AOL and Time Warner before they merged. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: TJindex1.rtf

Exchange Rate Forecasts / Testing Models and Proposed Variables
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A 35 page proposed research study in exchange rate models. The writer proposes that the Frankel RID as tested by Bruhn be duplicated once again for the purpose of setting baseline for advanced studies in applying cultural variables as well as economic and political variables in forecasting models. The purpose behind the proposal is that RID be tested for baseline viability for VAR and multivariate exchange rate forecasting studies. The importance of establishing baseline is related to the inability of RID-based models to economic crises. For this reason, the wrier also posits and discusses why neither the RID base nor its offspring can forecast crises. What's missing are cultural variables, in this case, the Japanese cultural concept of 'amae,' the basis of Asian crisis - a belief shared by countries as diverse as Russia and Nigeria. Bibliography lists 40 sources.
Filename: Cnjpnbok.wps

Executive Coaching
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A 15 page paper defining executive coaching and discussing its immense rise in popularity over the past decade. Executive coaching is expanding rapidly, continuing to find greater numbers of areas in which it can be useful. As much as business has changed over the past several years, the executive coach can be a valuable asset to the executive hoping to advance or retain a current position, and taking part in leading his company to greater profitability. A blend of management and psychology, executive coaching is growing at a rate of 40 percent annually. The globalization of business is a fact of life that will not change, and the face of US business may be in the process of reinventing itself again. Not only is executive coaching growing rapidly in the present, it is likely to continue to do so for years to come. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtExecCoach.rtf

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