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Papers On Theories & Theorists
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Pragma-Dialectic Approach To Argument
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11 pages in length. The art of argument ranges from formal debates through careful scholarly discussion to heated encounters, fierce arguments and quarrels. What likelihood is there that the enormous range of argumentation can be served, identified, or modeled by one theory. Do the extremes -- or even the edges – of the center have enough in common to be considered together? Not likely, inasmuch as the form of argument can differ just as significantly as the people involved. Discord among human beings is a normal, daily event at all stages of life; however, it is the manner
in which such antagonism is addressed that determines how effective the outcome will ultimately be. The writer discusses argumentation as it relates to van Eemeren and Grootendorst's pragma-dialectic theory. Bibliography lists
1 source.
Filename: TLCargue.wps
Process Model of Communication
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A 4 page paper discussing and evaluating the process (or transmission) model of communication. This model is one that seeks to explain mechanisms by which linear communication occurs and is received by the listener. “The listener” in the process model often is not an individual, but rather an entire audience, generally without respect to demographic characteristics of that audience and certainly without regard for individual characteristics such as gender and class. This lack of distinction severely limits the process model’s ability to describe or predict any audience response. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KScommGen.rtf
Questions and Answers in Communication Theory
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This 6 page paper evaluates communication theory with a focus on Expectancy Violations Theory. Questions are answered and the final portion contains a short essay regarding what would happen if the public owned the media. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA544com.rtf
Radical Social Consciousness in Literature and Film. (4 pp) In this new century, and through part of the last one. we have been told that nothing occurs without a reason. Such is the concept with the label "radical social consciousness," whether this is
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(5 pp) In this new century, and through part of the
last one. we have been told that nothing occurs
without a reason. Such is the concept with the
label "radical social consciousness," whether this
is an accurate assumption will be examined through
the work of three very different authors Anne Frank,
Dee Brown and Marleen Gorris. By examining these
works we will be able to decide whether we agree
with this thought, readily or wisely know that
there are no absolutes.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BBradsoc.doc.
Rhetoric in Berger's Hiroshima
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A paper which considers the use of rhetoric in John Berger's "Hiroshima", particularly with reference to the concept of Hell, terrorism, and the way in which revisionism is used to distort the reality of historical events.
Filename: JLhirosh.rtf
Saving Face & Facework in Asian Cultures
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A 7 page research paper that examines the role that saving face and facework play in Asian culture shows that this aspect of communication behavior is interwoven into the societal fabric of many Asian countries to a greater degree than one finds in Western cultures. While this is beneficial to social interaction in some ways, there is also evidence that this cultural paradigm can have negative effects. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: khfacew.rtf
Smoking And The Society
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This 10 page paper provides statistical data regarding the health issues related to smoking. A historical perspective of legislation and public opinion is provided and the emotional and economic costs that have been linked to the effects of smoking are discussed. The essay concludes with possible actions that will be taken in the near future to discourage smoking among existing smokers and youth who are tempted to begin smoking. Since this is a controversial issue, a brief review of conflicting data is also provided. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: PGsmoke.wps
Social Dimensions Of Rhetoric
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6 pages in length. The writer discusses the impact of rhetoric and the discourse community as they relate to a particular issue. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: TLCrhet.wps
Social Theories in Communication
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A 3 page paper discussing cultural studies, organizational culture and coordinated management of meaning as they relate to the study of communication. Each of these three approaches is a theoretical approach that takes culture as central to its analysis. The purpose here is to compare and contrast these theories, in terms of how they define and interpret culture. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KScommSocTheo.rtf
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A 3 page definition of sociolinguistics. The author contends that the simple statement "English is spoken more widely than Chinese in Singapore" is not in itself a sociolinguistic observation. Sociolinguistics is concerned not with which language is spoken but how that language is spoken in context with certain social stimuli. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPlingu2.rtf
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