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Papers On Theories & Theorists
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This 4-page paper discusses the differences between popular/mass culture, folk culture and high culture, and selects elements in Dallas, Texas, with which to compare and contrast. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTculdef.rtf
Developing a Public Relations Campaign; Theory and Practice
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This 18 page paper uses a fictitious case of an industrial accident causing pollution in Thailand to explore how a PR campaign may be developed. The writer considers different theories of PR and propaganda and then uses these to develop a campaign to restore confidence in the government both nationally and internationally. The bibliography cites 15 sources.
Filename: TEprcmpg.rtf
Discourse Analysis: An Overview of Major Philosophies in Discourse
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A 9 page discussion of some of the unspoken rules which govern conversation. Observes that both the words which are spoken and subtleties such as facial expression and context allow participants to interpret and respond to the verbal offerings of others. Identifies the objective of discourse analysis as the determination of precisely how interpretation and response relate to one another and the unspoken rules of conversation. Analyzes the “performative utterance” from the aspect of speech act theory and pragmatics using the work of such notable philosophers as John L. Austin, John Searle, H.P. Grice, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Bibliography lists 13 sources.
Filename: PPdiscrs.wps
Ethnicity and the Media
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A 5 page paper which answers three questions asked by student as they regard race and ethnicity in the media. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAmedia7.rtf
Feminist Theory and Psychoanalysis
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This is a 26 page paper which discusses psychoanalytical feminist theories. Some comparisons are discussed with reference to the novel-The Name of the Rose.
The bibliography has 9 sources.
Filename: JHFemi.rtf
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Research has shown that firstborn children are more intelligent; they set goals and are organized, making them determined, responsible high achievers (Sutter). Esping (2003) writes that firstborns are overrepresented as Nobel Prize winners and have often tested highest in all achievement scores. Most recent studies show correlations between better health and firstborns....
Filename: jv1stbrn.rtf
Flirting with Communication Accommodation Theory
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A 13 page paper presenting a study of flirting situations and behaviors. Communication accommodation theory holds that individuals change their manner of verbally or nonverbally communicating with each other, dependent on perceived differences between the individuals involved. This theory seems to fit inordinately well into the flirting situation, where individuals may not always be everything they seem to be. The purpose here is to investigate reactions to flirting behaviors in terms of communication accommodation theory in order to make some assessment of what accommodative processes individuals perceive. The research effort seeks to answer the question of what percentage of individual verbal and nonverbal flirting actions viewers perceive. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: KScomFlirting.rtf
Freedom of the Press as It Relates to Private Property and the Free Market
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A 9 page examination of the liberal concept of freedom of the press. The contention that liberals consider private property and free markets to be a precondition for freedom of the press is examined in relation to the philosophy of John Locke and the political concept of capitalism. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PPpressF.rtf
Galtung and Ruge: Values on Science
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This paper explores the journalistic values of Galtung and Ruge in relationship to science. The author looks at journalistic presentation of SARS along the values of unexpectedness, relevancy, elite personification, and intensity. Bibliography lits 3 sources. JVGalRug.rtf
Filename: jvGalRug.rtf
Gang Violence: A Social Problem
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In recent years, an increasing focus on aggression and the criminal expression of aggression has led to the call for a more effective assessment criteria and interventions based on an acknowledgment of a variety of factors, including the societal views of aggression and the link between behavioral problems and gang participation. This 5 page paper provides an overview of this issue and relates it to the current literature. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHCriTh5.rtf
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