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Papers On Theories & Theorists
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"Information Inequality" and "Trust Us, We're Experts"
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A 5 page paper which
draws parallels between Herbert Schiller's "Information Inequality" and "Trust Us, We're
Experts" by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauler. The paper discusses how each work
depicts the manner in which communication is used for propaganda. No additional sources
Filename: RAtrustus.wps
"Scrambling" in Japanese Linguistics
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(10pp). "Scrambling" in linguistics is examining
the word order in a sentence. Meaning or
understanding ay be distorted by inappropriate
word order. In an analytical overview of this
unique area of language studies it would appear
that not much research, has been completed in this
field. That which has been done is discussed in
this article. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BBlingjk.doc
"Speaking Into the Air" by John Durham Peters
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A 5 page paper which provides a
critical analysis of John Durham Peters' book "Speaking Into the Air: A History of the
Idea of Communication." No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAspeakair.wps
'That's Not What I Meant'
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Deborah Tannen (1992) (5 pp) Before one starts
looking at any of Tannen's works concerning the
differences between communications styles, usually
based on gender, there are a few phrases that are
handy from the start, and give an insight to the
point of Tannen's discourse. They are that men,
generally are involved in report talk, which
centers around facts. For women, Tannen uses the
description rapport talk generally around feelings.
In this discussion, we will use Tannen's 1992
text, That's Not What I Meant to see how these two
distinctions, influence, and sometimes complicate
interpersonal communication. Bibliography lists
1 source.
Filename: BBtannen.rtf
A Critique of Active Audience Theory
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After defining what is meant by active audience theory the paper then considers its’ the strengths and weaknesses. Examples are cited within the paper which includes the work of theorists such as Lasswell, Blulmer and Katz, Blauer, and more recently Miller and Philo. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEactaud.rtf
A Postmodernist Interpretation of the Impact of Mass Media on Society
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A 9 page evaluation of the contention presented by author Dominic Strinati in his book “Introduction to Theories of Popular Culture” that “society has been subsumed within the mass media”. This paper analyzes the influence of the media from a postmodernist perspective, calling into play the theories of men like Harvey, Jameson, Baudrillard, Lyotard, Foucault, Beck, Giddens, Ritzer and Habermas to conclude that Strinati’s contention does indeed carry a lot of weight. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PPmdia4.rtf
Advertising and Individual Autonomy
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This 5 page report
discusses the argument that exists regarding whether or not
advertising subverts individual autonomy and in what ways.
According to “Advertising and Social Autonomy” written by Richard
L. Lippke, the average consumer is not necessarily “manipulated,”
however, he or she is has their “capacities to make rational
choices about the implicit content of ads” restrained or
overpowered. The author of this report supports Lippke’s
argument and presents a number of examples of such a process in
the modern “advanced” capitalist society of the United States.
Bibliography lists one source.
Filename: BWadauto.wps
Alice Walker: Am I Blue.
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(3 pp) In literature or the arts we used to hear
of something being "banned in Boston," supposedly
one of our more "ethical" appreciators of good
taste. Can you think what it must be liked, in
current times, to be banned in California? That
happened to the work of Walker's we will examine,
Am I Blue.
Filename: BBawlkrb.doc
Applied Conflict Theory
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A 5 page paper discussing minimizing the potential destructiveness of conflict through awareness of conflict styles as delineated in Hall's Conflict Management Survey. Conflict truly can be found in any situation involving more than one person and one set of ideas. An awareness of Hall's conflict styles can aid in resolving that conflict more quickly, whether it be in a manner of compromise or competition and whether it be in the board room or in the back yard, allowing the participants to return more quickly to the issues at hand. There are strengths in each style of conflict advantageous to each setting, and it is up to those involved to make honest assessment of which style would best suit their purposes and the current issues before them. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Aconflict.rtf
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This 3 page paper looks at three themes related to audience studies; Firstly the audience, purpose and rationale. Secondly the key differences in audience between trade and scientific approaches and lastly the visual and stylistic elements which position audience. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEaudien.rtf
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