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Papers On Theories & Theorists
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Axiology: The Question of Ultimate Value
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(5pp) We as humans always claim that we are
concerned with values. Largely this centers
around the "value" of things, or the "best value"
in relationship to cost, time and energy. German
theorist Robert S. Hartman took the concept of
value much farther than we might be prompted to do
today. However after experiencing the
organizational evils of the Nazis on a first hand
basis, Hartman began to wonder if it was
possible" to organize good as effectively as the
Nazis organized evil." Ultimately Hartman game up
with what he called "value mathematics,' as a
method of determining the values of our everyday
experiences. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: BBaxiolo.doc
Brave New World's Savage Reservation:
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(5 pp) Real power is in the hands of ten World
Controllers, who exercise rigid control at all
levels to maintain their ideals: conditioning
everyone to think alike, banning natural births,
and handing out the tranquilizer soma to those not
happy enough. Games, work, and social groups are
structured to keep everyone content. "But (in this
Brave New World, we learn,)every one belongs to
every one else." The question that is put to us
with this discussion is choosing either the Brave
New World, where "sixty-two thousand four hundred
repetitions make one truth, or the Savage
Reservation, a stark, but dramatically alive,
unknown remnant of the past. Bibliography lists 3
Filename: BBhuxsr.doc
British Telecom; Advertising So the Audience Understands the Message
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This 5 page paper looks at the way British Telecom are advertising and discusses this with reference to the following quote “New theory suggests that customers does not merely decode an advertising message, but creates or co-creates the message”. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEBTaudi.rtf
Business Communications within a Conceptual Context
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An 8 page paper
discussing accepted concepts and theories of communications management and suggesting an
alternative approach. A foray into a "do it yourself" approach can negate the benefits of theory,
but it is practical and obvious benefit that organizations need in today's intensely competitive
environment. The common approach has been to design programs around extant theory; this
approach can be used to formulate a base of practical application to which theory can then be
applied. Includes a list of 30 communications concepts. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KSbusCommCon.wps
Cognitive Communication Theory / Applied To The Individual
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A 4 page essay discussing how cognitive communication theory can be observed in everyday life of an individual. Cognitive communication, also referred to as constructivist theory, has recently been emphasized in mass media, especially in films but these same precepts are also true in everyday life. Communication requires cognitive processing just as it requires the perceiver to construct meaning. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Cogtheo.wps
Communication -- Shifting from Transmission to Ritual
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This 6
page report discusses how the processes in which ideas and
information are transmitted or communicated differs significantly
from the ways in which communication evolves as a ritualistic
operation. From both a theoretical and a practical perspective,
communication that exists only to impart information is very
different from communication that takes place as either part of
or as an outcome of ritual. It is important to consider how
communication figures into the larger context of defining social
interaction, determining its greater meaning, and serving as a
means through which people are able to connect with “something”
greater than themselves as individuals. Bibliography lists 6
Filename: BWcomrit.wps
Communication / Construction Work
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A 8 page research paper discussing two issues of communication: opening communication channels on the work site and improving one's own communication processes. The writer contends that open communication channels enhance job performance and offers three specific suggestions for how to accomplish this. The second part of the paper deals with how supervisors can improve two aspects of their own communication processes to also enhance moral and job performance and to avoid misunderstandings. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Const.wps
Communication Analysis and the Sacramento Kings
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This 6 page report discusses the National Basketball Association (NBA) team, the Sacramento Kings. Different communication theories and frameworks are used to consider the effectiveness of the team’s Internet site. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWsackng.rtf
Communication and Blumer's Concept of Symbolic Interaction
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This 5 page paper considers the concepts presented in by Herbert Blumer in the book Approaches to Human Communication. This paper presents Blumer's arguments regarding the impact of symbolic interactions. No additional
sources cited.
Filename: MHHumCom.wps
Communication and Dialogue: A Review of Two Articles
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A 3 page overview of two articles in communication. Emphasizing the importance of dialogic leadership, “Williams’ 1999 article entitled “Dialogic Leadership” recounts the communication problems behind numerous organizational problems at key U.S. firms. Bohm, Factor, and Garrett (2003) also explore the importance of dialogue, contending that dialogue offers us the means of overcoming many of the various problems which confront the world today, a means of exploring the “presuppositions, ideas, beliefs, and feelings” which control group interactions. No additional sources are listed.
Filename: PPComOr2.rtf
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