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Papers On Theories & Theorists
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Intervention Methods for More Effective Organizational Communication
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A 5 page discussion of the usefulness of intervention methods in preventing organizational communication from being obstructed. The survey feedback method, the use of change agents, and more are discussed. Several relevant managerial techniques for ensuring a positive communications environment are examined in great detail. No Bibliography.
Filename: Interven.wps
Is it Possible to Speak a Private Language?
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This 12 page paper considers the question of whether it is possible to speak a private language, and relates this in terms of the theories and views of Wittgenstein. This paper integrates a view of Wittgenstein's Private Language and the concepts of realism, antirealim, private language, meanings, and even the nature of language itself. This paper also considers the different between private and public language. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: MHLanPhi.rtf
Julia Woods’ Approach to Relational Communication
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A 4 page paper discussing the normative, didactic, social network and circumstantial categories of Woods’ approach to relational communication. These categories are not static, but allow for individuals to move between them as relationships change. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KScomRelateInter.rtf
Language and Abstract Thought: Meaningful Conversation about a God Who Transcends Creation?
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A 5 page address of the philosophical dilemma of whether or not we can talk meaningfully of a God who transcends creation if language is a part of creation. Questions the innateness of language and the applicability of that innateness to the topic of our own creation and the existence of God. Compares language in animals and mankind and concludes there are definitive differences in the ability of the two to have meaningful conversations about such highly abstract concepts as God and His existence. It is the ability to translate our mental experiences into words which gives humans the capability of abstract thought and allows us to have meaningful philosophic conversation about God even though God transcends creation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PPlngGod.wps
Language's Applicability To Metaphysics
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A 5 page paper discussing whether language is necessary in conjunction with metaphysics. Metaphysics is rooted in cause and effect; myriad books and articles have been written to discuss the role of language. If it has no part in cause and effect, then it also can have no part in metaphysics.. This is a dispute in metaphysics, and so necessarily must result either in language being necessary or not. The paper concludes that language is necessary for judging validity of statements, but that a more important aspect is that of sound logic. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Metaph.wps
Language, Culture and Communication
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This 6 page paper provides an overview of the connection between language and culture as it defines communication and methods for instruction for immigrant populations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: MHMultL44.rtf
Listening Strategies
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A 6 page paper that explains and discusses three specific listening strategies: paraphrasing, empathic listening (also called active listening and reflective listening), and clarifying by asking questions. Each technique is explained and each has an example using the technique and an example of not using the technique. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: PGlstpr.rtf
Media Change & Communications Theory
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A 4 page research paper/essay that examines two communication theories, cultivation theory and technological determinism, and then discusses them in terms of the media change represented by the Internet and specifically blogs. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khblogs.rtf
Media Coverage of Terrorism: A Terrorist's Dream?
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This 13 page paper discusses the question of what the relationship may be between terrorists and the media and tries to determine if, by covering terrorist attacks in depth, journalists are subconsciously fulfilling the terrorists' desires for publicity, attention and justification. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: HVMedTer.rtf
Media Imperialism and Life in the Cyber Cafe
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This 6 page report discusses the concept of media imperialism is the idea that Western media exerts considerable influence over the cultures of countless nations around the world and how the “imperialism” of the media is reminiscent of the behavior of the European colonizers. The report then moves on to discuss the ways in which online life has become a common reality for millions of Americans. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: BWmedimp.rtf
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