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Papers On Theories & Theorists
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Standpoint Theory and Speech Communities
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A 3 page paper discussing how standpoint theory and speech communities relate to how our individual communication styles are related to the broader communities in which we are immersed. The purpose here is to discuss how these theories account for the differences between different groups’ communication styles. The “groups” being used here are defined by gender and consist of either men or women. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KScommStndpt.rtf
Stephen Toulmin's Contribution to Rhetoric Theory
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This 6 page paper provides an overview of the application of Stephe Toulmin's principles and their application to the development of rhetoric theory. This paper considers his methods and the uses of his argumentaiton and also considers the prior societal events that led to his theory. This paper includes a view of past theorists who influenced Toulmin. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MHrheTou.wps
Stuart Hall: Encoding/Decoding
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This 5 page paper explains Stuart Hall's theories of encoding and decoding of communications, and uses this model to analyze the Geico gecko advertising campaign. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: HVGGecko.rtf
Symbolic Convergence Theory
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This 10 page report discusses Symbolic Convergence Theory (SCT) or “fantasy theme theory” and its many components. Explanation of the theory, its ramifications, and a literature review are included. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWborman.rtf
Tailored Communication in Health Care
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A 15 page overview of the importance of effective communication in health care emphasizing that misunderstandings can not only be costly but also potentially deadly. Stresses that in many cases information must be tailored to meet a patient's cultural or educational background. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Hlthcomm.wps
The Art Of Argumentation
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8 pages in length. The aspect of argument is truly an art form of communication. It can readily be argued that verbal communication brings with it a considerable amount of misunderstanding, whether that has to do with the actual words chosen, the inflection or the hidden meaning behind them. The notion of argumentation is to culminate with an
agreeable resolution; as straightforward as this concept might appear, there exist myriad variables that pertain to such an outcome. Willard, Gilbert and Van Eemeren have struggled long and hard to assert their respective theories as the most applicable; however, one can readily surmise
that there are flaws in even the most comprehensive model. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCargmt.wps
The Drama of Communication
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An 8 page exploration into the drama of communication. This paper leads the student in an examination of the professional sociological literature about the different manifestations of communication. Emphasizes that our understanding of these manifestations has essentially been consistent since the latter half of the twentieth century. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPcomSoc.rtf
The Facial Feedback Hypothesis
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This 10 page paper relates the facial feedback hypothesis, a central theory of social theorist William James, as the basis for this study. This study demonstrates the basic premises behind the facial feedback hypothesis, the views of non-verbal communication relative to emotions and the specific ways of assessing this hypothesis through an observational study of a subject population. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MHBioFac.rtf
The Individual and Collective Consequences of Language
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A 7 page discussion of the power of language. Whether the ability to communicate separates us from other animals and whether language is innate or acquired is applied to the contemporary social function of language as it is aided with the mass media and the wonders of modern technology. The contention is presented that language defines how we come to know and interact in our world, even why we believe or refuse to believe in the things that drive us both individually and collectively. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PPlngAq2.rtf
The Modern Media: Critique, Comparisons and Conclusions drawn from Works by Michael Parenti, Ben Bagdikian and Bill McKibben
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This is a 5 page paper discussing the effects of modern media as found in the works of Parenti, Bagdikian and McKibben. Living in today’s modern world, individuals are well aware of the amount of information they are receiving from the various media and information sources. While individuals may be aware of the mass influx of information they are receiving in the different media formats of, for instance, television, the movie industry and the newspaper and news magazine industries to name a few, most individuals are not aware of the influence this information has on them, or more so, the sources of the influence. Through the works of Michael Parenti, Ben H. Bagdikian and Bill McKibben, there appears to be a much larger and darker side to the media and information industry. Basically, no level of the media industry is immune to political and corporate influence which regulates the content of entertainment and news and in turn directly or subtly influences all individuals in modern society. As a result, individuals are not only being inundated with political and corporate ideals but they are often unaware of this process. In addition, individuals are loosing contact with social and natural factors which provided the basis for community relations and rational and independent thought in the past.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJParen1.rtf
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