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Papers On Latin-American & Carribean Studies
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El Salvador : A Comprehensive Study
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10 pages on the population, economy, and political problems in the history of modern El Salvador. Plenty of statistical data is provided and cited. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Elsalvad.wps

El Salvador/12 Years of Civil War
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A 3 page research paper/essay that discusses the lingering effects of civil war on El Salvador, which includes entrenched poverty and a continuing climate of violence. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khelsal.rtf

English Speaking Caribbean Countries in World Economy and Trade: Relative Impacts of the World Trade Organization
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A 10 page overview of the problems English speaking Caribbean nations encounter in regard to functioning in the world economy. The author asserts that the WTO has had little positive effect on these countries. CARICOM, in contrast, offers these countries hope. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PPcaribW.rtf

English Speaking Caribbean Countries in World Economy and Trade: Relative Impacts of the World Trade Organization
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A 12 page overview of the problems English speaking Caribbean nations encounter in regard to functioning in the world economy. The author asserts that the WTO has had little positive effect on these countries. CARICOM, in contrast, offers these countries hope. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PPcariW2.rtf

Erasmus and Las Casas/Critiquing 16th century society
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A 5 page essay that contrasts Erasmus' The Praise of Folly and Bartolome de Las Casas' defense of Native Americans, A Short Account of the Destruction of the Indies. Erasmus detailed the urgent need for reform in the Catholic Church, and Las Casas castigated his Spanish government for its treatment of indigenous populations in the New World. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khelc.rtf

Ernesto 'Che' Guevara
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This 10 page report discusses the legendary revolutionary of Cuba, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara. Guevara's life and conduct have been (for more than thirty years) and continue to be an inspiration to the disenfranchised of society as well as those who dream of a greater world that supports the advancement and betterment of the people through cooperative effort and mutual effort. Guevara's significance to modern revolutionary politics should be analyzed based on his perspectives on capitalism, socialism and imperialism and on guerrilla warfare. He died in Bolivia in 1967 in the attempt to facilitate revolution in that nation. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: BWche.wps

ESL in Puerto Rico & Spain
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A 11 page research paper that focuses on why Puerto Rican ESL instruction has not succeeded, comparing it with Spain. This research investigates the question of why students in one Spanish-speaking country, i.e., Spain, learn English readily and why another Spanish-speaking culture, i.e., Puerto Rico, finds this task problematic and controversial. The writer also looks briefly at ESL methodology in both countries. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: kheslpr.rtf

Essays on Puerto Rican History / 18th - 20th Century
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11 pages worth of well-developed essays concerning : Puerto Rico's role in the Caribbean (also its similarities & differences to other regional countries), the economic importance of coffee during the 18th century, sugar & slave labor in the 19th century, the impact of becoming a U.S. territory, trade after WW I, the Chardon Plan, the P.R.R.A., and more. Bibliography lists 4 scholarly sources.
Filename: Puertori.wps

Esteban Echeverria/The Slaughter House
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A 3 page paper that discusses the use of language in Esteban Echeverria’s “The Slaughter House,” which portrays the political situation in Argentina under the rule of Manuel de Rosas, a “Federalist war hero” (Webb). In describing the effect of Rosas’ rule, Echeverria creates an extended metaphor, a Slaughter House, located “’in the southern part of Buenos Aires, on a huge lot’” (Echeverria cited by Webb). Examination of the literary devices employed by Echeverria demonstrates the way in which he uses this primary metaphor to create an allegory that dramatized the conflict between civilization and barbarism that characterized nineteenth century Argentina. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: kheearg.rtf

Ethnocentrism/Mexican-American Experience
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A 3 page essay that examines 2 texts and their historical perspective on Mexican American experience. Ethnocentrism is defined as the tendency to evaluate all other groups of people according to the values, standards and cultural traditions of one's own group. In other words, ethnocentrism connotes the idea that the way a particular society acts, believes, worships, and lives is the one "right" way and all others are perceived as "pagan," "primitive," or simply "wrong." Racism and bigotry find their roots in ethnocentrism and while racism is acknowledged in contemporary Western society as wrong, the roots of ethnocentrism are much harder to eradicate. This is shown by the scholarship of Rodolfo Acuna and Miguel Leon-Portillo and their accounts of classical indigenous and early mesoamerican history. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khacupor.rtf

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