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Papers On Latin-American & Carribean Studies
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Descendents of the Ancient Mesoamerican Civilizations
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A 4 page paper which examines how the Mexica royal line and the rulers of Copan are all claiming to be the true descendents of the ancient Mesoamerican cultures. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAmesoa2.rtf

Diaz del Castillo/The Conquest of New Spain
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An 8 page research paper/essay that describes, summarizes and analyzes a sixteenth century eyewitness account of the conquest of the New World by the Spanish, The Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Diaz del Castillo (1492-1581). The writer suggests what can be summarized about the book’s historical authenticity and what it tells modern readers about this era. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: khdiazsp.rtf

Director Of Marketing Job Functionality: United States And Mexico
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10 pages in length. Assessing the job functionality of America and Mexico's directors of marketing, it is important to take into account the vast differences in economics, technology and education. Both directors strive for a better profit margin, lower competitor interchange and stronger presence within the particular industry; however, the manner by which each one goes about reaching these objectives is directly associated with his country's resources. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCdirec.wps

Displacement In Terms Of Family, Education And Community In Richard Rodriguez's "Hunger Of Memory"
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6 pages in length. Richard Rodriguez's seeming abandonment of his Mexican cultural identity only served to strengthen a new cultural identity he believed he had to establish if he was ever going to make the most of himself. By shedding what he perceived to be the single-most deterrent of success, the author let go of his own heritage so that he was able to gain the education necessary for full inclusion into an otherwise culturally disinfected country. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCRodrHngr.rtf

Diversity and Unity in Panama;
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This 5 page paper argues the hypothesis that resource diversity and philosophical multiplicity covary directly with voluntary unity in Panama. The paper uses modern times and looks at each of these aspects in order to test the idea. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEpanama.wps

Documentary on Latino Family in NYC
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A 3 page essay that analyzes Nuyorican Dreams, a 1999 documentary directed by Laurie Collyer, which focuses on the family of Marta Torres, an immigrant from Puerto Rico who came to New York in search of the American Dream and a better life for herself and her family, but instead found an American "nightmare" (Bell-Russel, 2000). The term "Nuyorican," according to Torres refers to someone who is of Puerto Rican extraction but who knows nothing of their Puerto Rican heritage or culture. As such, the documentary pictures this population as a people adrift --stigmatized within the US by white mainstream culture, yet not able to fall back on a sense of belonging to Puerto Rican culture because these cultural values and perspectives have not been transmitted successfully to the next generation due to environmental influences. This situation has huge implications from a health perspective, and the documentary explores the drug-related problems of Torres' grown children. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khnuyor.rtf

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This 10 page paper discusses dollarization in Latin America with specific attention on dollarization in Ecuador. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: HVDollar.rtf

Dollarization In Ecuador
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This 14 page paper has three parts. The first is an overview and explanation of what dollarization is, including the three main categories of dollarization. The second part is an overview and explanation of what happened in Ecuador, politically and economically, that led to the adoption of official and full dollarization. The last part discusses the effects of dollarization on the economy. Inflation, interest rates, and GDP are discussed. Statistical data are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGecuad.rtf

Don Benito Juarez
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A 3 page overview of the life and accomplishments of this Mexican president. This paper discusses why Juarez is still so fondly remembered by the Mexican people. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPmexPresJuarez.rtf

Dona Marina: Heroine, Traitor, or Representative of Culture
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A 5 page paper which discusses the woman who was known as Dona Marina. Dona Marina was Cortez' lover and interpreter. According to many she was either a heroine or a traitor, while others feel she was merely a reflection of her culture in her actions and attitudes. The paper utilizes "Conquest of New Spain" by Bernal Diaz and "Expanding Ethnicity in Sixteenth-Century Anahuac: Ideologies of Ethnicity and Gender in the Nation-Building Process" by Thomas Ward in further examination of her involvement as it pertained to her position as a slave and a Christian, which were forces that greatly influenced how she was seen in regards to her position as heroine or representative of her culture. No additional sources cited.
Filename: RAdonamrna.wps

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