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Papers On Latin-American & Carribean Studies
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Costa Rican Transport & Export
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14 pages in length. "Costa Rican Transport & Export : An Analytical Examination of the Country's Historic Societal Problems Derived from the Importing and Exporting of Bananas." A Comprehensive study. Bibliography lists 8 sources. Please call for more information.
Filename: Costari3.wps

Could Mexico City, Istanbul, Paris Or St. Petersburg Be Able To Achieve Their Current Status Without The Politics Of Authoritarianism?
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8 pages in length. National identity of any given state or country is that which defines its existence throughout the global community; while some live by the tenets of democracy, others adopt a considerably harsher approach through authoritarianism. Does this separation make a difference when examining the extent to which, for example, Mexico City, Istanbul, Paris or St. Petersburg have been able to achieve current status? Indeed, one might readily surmise that had these four global communities assumed anything but their historically authoritarian stance in relation to politics, their respective modern-day standing would not have warranted such a tremendous endeavor. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCMexAuth.rtf

Counseling Latino Clients in Regards to Cultural Considerations
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This is a 12 page paper discussing issues in regards to counseling Latino clients. Therapists who are counseling Latino men and women must take into account various cultural and ethnic values traditional in Latino families including adherence to machismo, marianismo, persondisimo, simpatia, respeto and familism; all of which define the gender, family and community relations and rely on protection, support, respect and honor. However, in regards to Latinos in the United States, differences between individuals also rely on acculturation levels. In the case of counseling Latina women who have been raped or sexually abused, therapists must take into account not only traditional values of Latinos, but also acculturation levels, concepts of identity, biculturalism, stages of identity development, attitudes on present day sexual influences, health care formality, the current state of family influences and the shifting gender roles among other issues. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: TJLatwm1.rtf

Criminal Justice System In Brazil: Cultural Impact
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9 pages in length. Brazil's criminal justice system reflects a duality of cultural influence from early nineteenth century independence and slavery, a coupling that inevitably created a penal process that "intimately linked to the maintenance of slavery as the central feature of Brazilian society" (Aguirre, no date). Contemporary cultural influence upon Brazil's criminal justice system finds that as urban communities have experienced exponentially growth in the recent past, the approach to criminal justice has taken on a greater sense of abusive tactics and, as a direct result, come under fire in relation to the issue of human rights. The writer also compares Brazil's system with that of the United States. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCBrazilCJ.rtf

Critical Analysis of Jessie L. Thompson’s Article, “A Visit from Pancho”
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A 3 page paper which examines the article from the perspective of U.S. history and considers a three-point thesis as to whether or not the author succeeded in making her points historically valid. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TGpancho.rtf

Critical Overview and Analysis of “Mexican Americans in Texas History” By Emilio Zamora, Cynthia Orozco and Rodolfo Rocha
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A 5 page paper which summarizes the text, identifies the authors’ purpose, theme of the book, considers its sources, and provides relevant information about each author. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TGmextex.rtf

Critical Political Analysis of Jacobo Timerman’s “Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number”
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A 7 page paper which analyzes the text while relating it to world political issues such as realism and idealism, foreign policy decision-making, great power rivalries (conflict), democracies, liberalism, and human rights. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: TGprisoner.rtf

Cuba & Castro
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Approximately 3 pages in length. Report discusses U.S.-Cuban Relations with emphasis on their relevance to Fidel Castro. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Cubacast.wps

Cuba & Sugar (1900-1915)
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A 3 page paper discussing the various conditions which were a result of the United States' involvement in the production of sugar within Cuba from 1900 to 1915. Cuba had been involved in the production of sugar for many years prior to 1900. The involvement of the United States in the early part of the century changed the way the sugar industry was run to a very large extent. While this was harmful in some ways, in others it was beneficial to the country that was in a state of upheaval at the time. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: Cubasug.wps

Cuba and the Race Issue
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This 5 page paper looks at Cuba's history, with a focus on its formation shortly after independence. Several issues are discussed. The race issue is illuminated. Most of the positions draws on information from a book by Aline Helg. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA035Cub.rtf

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