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Papers On Latin-American & Carribean Studies
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Drug Use and Treatment of Hispanic Immigrants
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A 24 page paper discussing the influence of culture on addiction treatment. This paper includes a 5-page section on clinical implications not contained in the shorter paper of the same name. Much of the research into drug use among Hispanics of the past has identified Hispanics only by cultural identification, without giving a clear picture of those cultural matters that can influence whether a Mexican American chooses to seek help in breaking an addiction. There are several aspects of the Mexican American culture that prevent Mexican Americans from moving along the same path of addiction resolution that individuals of other ethnic groups navigate in similar journeys. This paper discusses some of these points, including acculturization and the tradition of relying on family groups in times of crisis. Counselors need to realize that Hispanics who enter treatment likely already have used these social structures without success. Includes an abstract and an outline. Bibliography lists 19 sources.
Filename: KSpsychImmi2.rtf

Dutch Settlement of St. Martin and St. Eustatius
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A 5 page research paper that relates the early settlement of two islands in the Caribbean, St. Martin and St. Eustatius by the Dutch. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: khdutcar.wps

Economic Conditions in Cuba Today
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This 5 page paper provides an overview of Cuba's economic conditions today. Some history is included. Political aspects of Cuba's economic problems are discussed. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: SA118cub.doc

Economic Development in Cuba
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7 pages. Revolutionary regimes in Cuba have not proven themselves to be very effective in achieving economic development. The majority of this lies in the fact that the United States embargo continues, which greatly cripples the Cuban economy in some ways. However, there are industries in which Cuba has apparently found a niche which can help to bolster their sagging economy of recent years. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: JGAcbeco.wps

Ecuador / A Country Study
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This 8 page paper briefly examines the unique world of Ecuador. From its earliest recorded era, through Spanish colonialism, and into the present day, Ecuador remains a unique and fascinating country. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Ecuador.wps

Edward Rivera's "Family Installments" – Treating Puerto Ricans Racially Instead Of Culturally
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9 pages in length. Family Installments is often seen as humorous and lighthearted in the way in which its author, Edward Rivera, approaches his otherwise painful subject matter. There is however, another side of his work that exerts itself just as defiantly: dealing with racial and cultural conflict between human beings. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCRivra.rtf

Effects Of Free Trade On Mexico :
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A 5 page paper that explores the effects of free trade on Mexico. The first few years were devastating: an assassination of a political candidate, devaluing of the peso, stock market crash and other events that hurt the economy. A drought then added to their problems, which results in billions in bail out money and the importation of corn, the primary food staple. These and other events, both negative and positive are discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: PGmexnft.wps

Eight Factors Of Irony And Complexity: Influence Upon Cycles In Mexican History
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8 pages in length. Much like Murphy's Law by virtue of its facilitating effect for change but at the same time more comprehensive in nature, the eight factors of irony and complexity have proven to be an instrumental force in the formation and subsequent progress - or failure - of man's entire growth and transformation as a species. While Murphy's Law is based upon what people have already experienced and therefore warn against, the eight factors of irony and complexity serve as the precursor for those events prior to man's ability to experience either the consequences or benefit of said event. Mexican history is no stranger to this truth, with corn playing an integral role in myriad cycles. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLC8Factors.rtf

El Nino
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In 5 pages the author discusses the scientific topic of the weather phenomenon known as El Nino as discussed in 5 articles dated in 1998, with a comparison made of the views. 'Weather anomaly has its darker side. The weather phenomenon of El Nino has caused much concern all over the world. Predictions have been made about it. El Nino has been ridiculed and laughed at. This weather phenomenon has been studied for years to determine what makes it work, what makes it recur, and how it affects the activity of human beings.' Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Elnino2.wps

El Nino - Problems & Impact
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A 5 page paper discussing the weather phenomenon known as 'El Nino.' The paper outlines what causes it to happen and its far-reaching impact. Bibliography lists six sources.
Filename: Elnino.wps

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