Papers On Latin-American & Carribean Studies
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Charles V, The Holy Roman Emperor (Charles I of Spain)
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This is a 5 page paper discussing the reign of Charles V (Charles I of Spain), the Holy Roman Emperor of the 16th century. The Spanish conquest during his reign is also included. Charles V (1500-1558) the Holy Roman Emperor in the 16th century became the ruler of one of the most expansive empires in European history. During his reign he was also Charles I of Spain and King of Franche-Comte and the Netherlands. During his lifetime he fought for the maintenance of the Catholic religion against the increasing influences of the Protestant religion and the followers of Martin Luther and the ongoing boundary dispute with the French and the Turks. A man of compassion, Charles and his brother Ferdinand signed many treaties to continue peace on the continent. The ongoing success of the Spanish conquests of the Americas and the Indies continued during the reign of Charles and his sympathies toward the treatment of the native Indians led him to pass the New Laws of the Indies in 1542 which outlawed the enslavement of the Indians by the settlers. Charles eventually retired his lands and throne to his son Philip II and his brother Ferdinand I and lived in a monastery in Spain until his death in September 1558.
Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TJCharl1.rtf
Chavez's Venezuela
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This 6 page paper ponders the Bolivarian Revolution and the loss of popularity of President Chavez. The movement is discussed in depth and communism as an alternative is explored. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: SA248BR.rtf
Che Guevara/Motorcycle Diaries
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A 5 page book review that examines a book based on the diaries and letters that Che Guevara wrote on a trip by motorcycle across South America in 1952. The writer argues that this volume gives glimmers of the social revolutionary that Che would eventually become. No additional sources cited.
Filename: khmotche.wps
Che Guevara: Bolivian Revolutionary
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5 pages. It was the
philosophy of the beloved leader, Ernesto Che Guevara, that all
of humankind extends benevolence to one another in order for all
peoples to flourish in this world. However, while his hopes were
planted on the right path toward eternal good will, the efforts
that came out of such dedication left much to be desired.
Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: JGAgueva.wps
Chile Vs. Argentina
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A 3 page general overview and sociopolitical examination of the severity of territorial disputes in Latin America between Chile and Argentina. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Chilearg.wps
Chile's Augusto Pinochet
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7 page review of Jacobo Timerman's Chile: "Death in the South," a sociopolitical book about the reign of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte (dictator from Chile). Bibliography lists one additional source to support writer's assertions.
Filename: Chilebok.wps
Chile's Economy
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A 5 page paper discussing Chile's economy and outlook for the future. As has been the case in so much of South America, Chile's economy has been uncertain for decades. Less certain at some times than at others, the country has made a consistent and concerted effort to build a sustainable export-driven economy since the first days of NAFTA and continues to pursue ascension to it. Unemployment remains high and the entire region is having difficulty, but Chile is attuned to the needs of business and actively courts it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSchileEcon.rtf
Chile's Economy Under Three Governments
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A 7 page paper discussing Chile's economy and outlook for the future as conditions existed under the Allende and Pinochet governments, and under the democratic government of today. In recent years, the country has made a consistent and concerted effort to build a sustainable export-driven economy since the first days of NAFTA and continues to pursue ascension to it. Unemployment remains high and the entire region is having difficulty, but Chile is now attuned to the needs of business and actively courts it. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSchileEcon2.rtf
Chilean History: A Review of Chilean Politics at the End of the Twentieth Century
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A 20 page overview of Chilean politics, and the role of the U.S. in those politics, in the years spanning the election of Allende and the end of the Pinochet regime. The author contends that the U.S. exerted considerable manipulation in Chile and the result was the overthrow of Allende and the rise of Pinochet to the Chilean presidency. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PPchili.rtf
Chile’s Culture as an Influence on Business and Management Practice
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This is a 5 page paper discussing the influence of Chile’s culture on business and management practices. Chilean management structures and practices are influenced by a diverse number of factors from Chilean culture. The strong military presence and influence of the Church resulted in management procedures which are strict, conservative and respectful in nature. Strong social class hierarchies in Chilean society has resulted in highly hierarchical structures in management where the higher end executives are responsible for the decision making processes and are well rewarded because of this. Finally, women’s roles in Chilean culture are quite prominent and this is also reflected in the Chilean work place as women have equal representation in the social classes as well as professional positions and politics.
Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TJChile1.rtf
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