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Papers On Management And Business
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Adding Value to the Organization
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An 11 page paper examining four approaches to adding value to the business. The purpose of the paper is to assess how globalization, product development, knowledge management and principled corporate governance add value to the organization, providing a discussion of each concept as well as several examples throughout the paper. Examples include Enron, ABB, Dow Chemical, Gillette and Wal-Mart. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtAddVal.rtf

Addressing Three Issues
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6 pages in length. The writer addresses three different situations: sending a professional woman to close an extremely important business deal in Saudi Arabia; the plight of contemporary Asian YUPPIES; and whether or not the tobacco industry should ethically continue to advertise its product in underdeveloped countries. No bibliography.
Filename: TLC3ishu.wps

Adidas—Will Restructuring Its Business Line-up Allow It to Catch Nike?
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This 18 page paper examined Adidas after it has made the acquisition of Reebok and considers whether or not the company will be able to compete efficiently with Nike. The paper looks at the company background, and its current strategy as well as performing a SWOT analysis and looking at the company using Porters Five Forces model. The value chain is also considered and the results are used to determine whether or not Adidas will be able to compete with Nike for the market leader position. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEstAdidas.rtf

Advantageous Financial Reporting
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A 6 page paper discussing several events that have occurred just prior to the end of the quarter as the controller of ABC Manufacturing is about to prepare the company’s quarterly statement. A good customer has filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy; the company has sold real estate for a profit; a study indicates greater revenues in the future; and the company has suffered damage at a warehouse. The paper indicates which of these should be reported in the current quarter, which will allow the company to meet analysts’ projections. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSacctEthManip.rtf

Advantages and Disadvantages for Acme's development contracts
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A 5 page discussion/ case study discussing the advantages and disadvantages of different types of development contracts for both a customer, ACME Trucking Co., and to a software developer. Discussed are issues such as cost-plus contracting and fixed price contracting. No bibliography.
Filename: Acmecost.wps

Advantages of Effective Oral Communication Skills in Business
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A 5 page paper discussing why organizations need effective oral communications more than ever before. It is no longer sufficient for managers to dictate, now they must lead. True leadership requires that the leader gain the dedication of the ranks, and that can be accomplished only through effective oral communication. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSbusCommAdv.rtf

Advantages Of Structuring Business As A Partnership
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A 12 page paper that explores the different kinds of business structures. The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the viability of a partnership as a business structure. To do this, the writer describe and discusses each of the different forms of business, e.g., sole proprietorship, general and limited partnerships, different types of corporations, and the LLC company. The discussion includes a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each business structure. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: PGbusfrm.rtf

Aetna Inc. Analysis
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A 7 page paper. Aetna Inc. is one of the leading health care providers in the nation offering a vast array of health care products. This essay offers an overview of the company, including the many steps Aetna has taken to improve its efficiency. A change in focus and emphasis and different marketing campaigns are two of the strategies used by Aetna. This discussion relates to the company's internal environment. The writer also discusses the external environment in terms of the health care industry. Finally, recommendations are made for Aetna to improve its position in the market. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PGaetn.rtf

Affirmative Action’s Continuing Relevance
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A 4 page paper discussing the current relevance of affirmative action initiative in light of organizations’ discovery of the benefits of the diverse workforce. The goal, however, should be to discourage discrimination of any kind. In this light, businesses should strive to build workforces more diverse than the law requires. Not only is it good for business in general, it also allows the organization greater freedom in hiring so that it can first select candidates based on qualification, rather than on demographic characteristics. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSafAction04.rtf

Aimes Electrical and Supply Case Study
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This 11 page paper looks at a case study supplied by the student. A firm is successful, but many of the systems are out of date, which is resulting in high levels of stock tying up capital, poor purchase procedures and a lack of general knowledge management within the firm due to an old ERP system that is not understood. The paper looks at the problems and considers some potential solution, including the implementation of a new comprehensive ERP system. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEaimesE.rtf

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