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Bell Atlantic Launches Long Distance Service
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A 9 page paper that discusses Bell Atlantic's move into offering long distance service. Issues discussed include the requirements of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, some of the steps Bell Atlantic took to fulfill the conditions, approval and subsequent sanction of the company by the FCC, the consent decree and present status. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGbellat.wps

Telecommunications Deregulation / Microsoft's $1 Billion Investment In Comcast
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A 10 page paper on some of the effects of the 1996 Telecommunications Deregulation and Reform Act. When the first phase of industry deregulation went into effect in 1992, some of the largest phone companies rushed to become cable companies also, but only a few succeeded in making their ventures profitable. Microsoft's investment in Comcast in 1997 marked the first large-scale attempt to capitalize on deregulation by a related, rather than direct segment of the telecommunications industry. Bibliography lists more than a dozen sources.
Filename: Comcast.wps

Case Study / Price Promotion at Hartmann Luggage
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A 7 page case study of whether Hartmann Luggage Company should indeed offer annual price promotions to its retailers, or whether the company should maintain its policy of image maintenance and high quality that have been the company's hallmarks for more than 100 years since its founding in 1877. The more narrow issue discussed is whether the price promotions of 1978 and 1979 were indeed profitable. Included are alternatives that Hartmann could reasonably employ to increase the company's market share while avoiding the price promotions they dread. No Bibliography.
Filename: Hartmann.wps

Assessing The Inner Operation Of Mercury Web & Graphic Designs
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6 pages in length. The Mercury Web & Graphic Designs Company is a firm that is in the business of enhancing the business lives of their clients. Because of their expertise, customers are able to design specific components that address their enterprising needs. The company has been quite successful throughout the last several years, demonstrating ever-growing profits with each passing quarter. However, it has come to the owner's attention that production on all levels has begun to slip considerably with regard to overall employee morale; as a direct result, revenue has shown a significant decline within a very brief period. The writer analyzes the situation with the help of an employee survey/interview, as well as suggests improvements to rectify the situation. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: TLCgraph.wps

New Technologies for Project Management
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Wireless communication makes instant education resources a phone call or finger touch away. This advancement ties in nicely with other advancements in technology, which according to Primavera (2004), includes advances in the defense and space travel industries and the automotive and transport industries. Bibliography lists 4 sources. jvPMtech.rtf
Filename: jvPMtech.rtf

Civil Engineering Construction In Saudi Arabia
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This 20 page paper discusses civil engineering construction companies in Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom. A brief introduction is provide describing the kinds of work accomplished by companies in this industry. Two companies are then discussed: the Al-Khodari Group in Saudi Arabia and the Alfred McAlpine Plant business in the United Kingdom. How these kinds of companies can market their services is explained along with descriptions from their Web sites. Examples of tenders are included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGengin.wps

BMW / Company Analysis
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A 5 page research paper describing BMW. Information on the following topics provided in this report : background, history, financial report, safety innovations, and recycling. BMW is a major force in the economy of at least two countries: the United States and Germany. Bibliography includes 6 sources.
Filename: Bmw.wps

Intellectual Property Management
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This 3 page paper takes a look at the importance of intellectual property in the oil industry. Information about a research lab, associated with an oil company, as provided by a student, is used as an example. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA009oil.rtf

Shell Oil Company
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A 9 page paper discussing this old giant's current focus on the future. Shell oil is a company that is very nearly 200 years old and already has seen industry-changing and industry-creating changes in technology and petroleum use in its long history. At the beginning of the 21st century, it faces yet another change, one that many other similar companies appear to be avoiding: petroleum requires eons to create, yet only minutes to consume. It is critical that we develop alternative energy sources, and Shell is leading all other oil companies in research and development of viable and sustainable alternatives. The industry is changing and Shell is leading the way, but it needs to use some of its nearly 3700 percent increase in profits in 1999 to tell the consumer of its progress. Bibliography lists 13 sources in 16 footnotes.
Filename: KSshellOil.wps

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This 5-page paper examines the positive traits of today's manager. The paper explains that a manager needs to be part administrator, part human resources manager and part motivator in order to boost morale and increase productivity. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTgoodma.rtf

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