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Papers On Management And Business
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A Business Plan
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This 9 page paper is an original business plan for starting up a business, looking at company mission, strategy, planning including financial planning, required resources and key issues. The business chosen is that of an independent financial adviser company. The paper includes an examination of the past present and future market for this sector in the UK. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEbusplan.rtf

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This 4-page paper offers an analysis of the Krispy Kreme Doughnut business model, expanding the company from a niche-only product offering into a national, widely-available product. The paper also determines if this was the right strategy for the product. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTkrikre.rtf

A Case Study in McDonalds
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This 6 page paper looks at the background and development of McDonald’s along with the core concepts and philosophies. The paper then considers some of the issues that are relevant today, such as needing to speed up service. This problem is defined and then two potential solutions are offered and discussed. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEmcdser.rtf

A Company In Chaos
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This 5 page paper begins with a scenario wherein the CEO is terminally ill and accidents have risen by 50 percent along with all the other challenges HR directors face. The essay discusses the immediate actions the HR manager must take, i.e., plan for the succession of the CEO, and then discusses the other steps the HR manager needs to do, such as considering technology to reduce labor costs and to institute incentives for employees. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGsmchr.rtf

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This 6 page paper discusses the management theories of Peter Drucker and Frederick Taylor, then compares/contrasts the two philosophies. Quotes and examples given from both texts. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MBsciman.rtf

A Comparison of Mergers
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10 pages. With the number of companies both large and small that are undergoing mergers it is easy to know that some of these mergers will be major success stories and some will not. This paper deals with both successful and unsuccessful mergers as well as some of the reasoning behind what should be considered before undertaking a merger. The banking industry is one industry that sees mergers taking place frequently. This paper includes financial information and trend analysis in examining a merger. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: JAmerges.rtf

A Consultant's Tools And Resources
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A 4 page paper that discusses several tools/resources a project consultant could use: the concept of a Partnership Constitution; a customer relationship management application; pre-planning and problem identification; involving the consultee in all steps of the process; and the consultant's own authenticity. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGcntl2.rtf

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This 6 page case study examines a logistics problem with the National Cranberry Cooperative, and discusses whether the coop should authorize expenditures on new equipment in order to improve efficiency. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: MTcranbe.rtf

A Dilbert’s Recipe to Change
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This 10 page paper looks at the perception of change within an organisation from the perspective of a Dilbert cartoon and considers how to develop a recipe for successful change using these perceptions and organisational change principles. The paper develops an ABC approach with accompanying rules all based on acknowledged theory, using theorists such as Scott Adams, author of the Dilbert series as well as Lewin, Senge, Margerison and Smith, and Dervitsiotis. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEdilbchg.rtf

A Large, 'Old Technology' Company: Recommended Corporate Culture Changes To Encourage Innovation
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9 pages in length. Maintaining a successful presence amidst an ever-changing business landscape means adapting to those changes; by standing firm in the 'tried and true' approach without implementing new concepts and technology, a company's corporate culture becomes stale and out of touch with contemporary commerce. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: TLCOldTc.rtf

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