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Papers On Management And Business
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"Busywork" vs Management in Good as Gold
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A 5 page paper discussing
Joseph Heller's Bruce Gold in terms of inadvertent management practice. Bruce Gold served on a
committee that met only twice and conducted no business. Bruce was charged with writing a
report on the committee's activities, which he did not do as there were no activities to report.
Nonetheless, everyone heartily congratulated Bruce on his excellent and incisive work. In this
one instance, Bruce encountered many of the difficulties in business today: lack of direction;
ineffective communication; and crushing preoccupation with producing documents whether or not
they contain any information of value. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSGoodGold.wps
"Leadership A To Z" – Brief Overview
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4 pages in length. The writer briefly discusses the article's main idea, three important points and if any bias/faulty reasoning exists. No bibliography.
Filename: TLCLeadrAZ.rtf
"Staffing the World" -- Kelly Services Inc.
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This 3 page report discusses the temporary employment agency – Kelly Services. The company headquartered in Troy, Michigan, offers: "…human resources solutions that include temporary services, staff leasing, outsourcing, vendor on-site and full-time placement." This report looks at the company's history, what industries it serves, how many workers it utilizes, and how such an organization deals with booms and busts in the larger economy. . Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: BWkellys.rtf
21st Century / Century Of Air Cargo
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A 5 page paper that looks at the industry's claim, and support for the claim that air cargo is the industry of the 21st century. The paper also looks at the current problems facing the industry and what international leaders, public and private, are doing to resolve those problems. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: Aircargo.wps
3i Performance and Strategy
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This 16 page paper examines the private investment company 3i. The paper starts by reviewing the 2001 and 2002 financial performance, the second part of the paper then examines the strategy of the company with reference to the models of Porter, Hofstede, Bartlett and Goshal and others. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TE3istrat.rtf
3M Case Study
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This 4 page paper examines the 3M company and the position they were in during the early 1990’s. The background of the company and its’ culture of innovation is outlined before the paper presents a SWOT analysis and considers the strategy that is and should be followed. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
Filename: TE3mcase.rtf
7-11 -- Time Management Around Merchandising Issues
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A 7 page paper with a background on Southland Corporation, and a 'local' 7-11 store and its merchandising functions. The paper proposes time management solutions to its apparent merchandising flaws. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: 711bus.rtf
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This 5 page paper examines the online gambling and casino company and considers the strategy of the company using Porters Five Forces model, which looks at existing competition, new entrants, customers and suppliers and substitutes. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TE888com.rtf
A Business Analysis of the Boeing Company
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This 5 page paper explores the Boeing situation, along with the airline industry in general. The reason for company layoffs are explored which include things such as the company's refusal to advance and general mismanagement. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Boeco.wps
A Business Plan
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This 5 page paper considers how to look at a potential new business. In his example the new business is a PC workshop. The writer looks at the exiting competitive environment, the competition and the way the company may fit into the existing marketplace and develop a competitive advantage, The writer then gives some financial projections including the start up costs and general five year projections. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
Filename: TEbuspln.rtf
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