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Papers On Management And Business
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This 7-page paper discusses implementations of new systems in the workplace and challenges inherent in such implementation. Examples used include the Just in Time (JIT) system -- a method of quality management -- and how this system was successfully implemented at a company. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: MTjitman.rtf

Intel / Getting the Chips to the Marketplace
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This 15 page paper discusses Intel Corporation, maker of Pentium microprocessors and a leader throughout the world in personal computing. A specific management problem is presented and analyzed (why Intel is not getting sub1000 chips to the market fast enough) and what solutions may be available to the company. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Intlchip.wps

Intel's Success & Failure
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A 6 page analysis of Intel's success in the microprocessor industry supplemented with critical review of their apparently poor handling of the 1995 'flawed Pentium' chip fiasco in which it was announced that all chips made up until a certain date would produce an incorrect result when performing one specific calculation in division. A useful reference for those studying public relations. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Intel95.wps

RM Law Implications post-Arthur Anderson and Enron
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In the wake of corporate malfeasance at Arthur Anderson, new laws have been passed to protect the public. The most important of these was spelled out in the Sarbanes-Oxley act, an act governing how paper (memorandums, correspondence, and any other paper) will be treated in the future. Taking a quick walk through why the act came into existence (Arthur Anderson), this paper addresses [sec] 1520, the new obstruction of justice act that governs criminal activity of public and other corporations, and its implications. Bibliography lists 3 sources. JVenron.rtf
Filename: JVenron.rtf

Dell Computer
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An 18 page paper discussing Dell's acsension to the number one producer of personal computers and the competitive pressures they face. Historically, Dell Computer has participated primarily in the hardware segment of the PC market, and has concentrated on government agencies and small business for the bulk of their sales. With the shift of focus among so many companies regarding just what the Internet might be able to do for them, both in terms of boosting sales of their own products and as a tool for developing intranets not dependent on physical location as Local Area Networks (LANs) are, Dell has also added Internet servers to their talents for voluminous and rapid sales. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: Dellcomp.wps

Zeigler Coal Holding Company
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A 7 page paper discussing a large import/export company using Zeigler Coal Holding as the point of discussion. The writer examines the company's performance over the past several years, the state of the coal industry and the company's overall corporate climate regarding management style, commitment to their employees and how they might be able to improve their performance. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: Zeigler.rtf

Rectifying Communications Impasses
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A 5 page paper analyzing the organizational communication 'disconnect' of a rapidly growing business, Lawson Software, that inadvertently allows their attitudes to lapse into a we vs. they mentality. The company urged their reluctant managers to use peer-to-peer training to become facilitators of groups whose surface purposes were to discuss the internal problems of the company. The managers, however, realized that all their internal problems were only facets of one underlying trouble: an early breakdown of communication both intragroup and intergroup. One manager said that while Deming had provided the philosophy, the facilitator approach at Lawson had provided the means for implementation. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Impass.wps

Dell & Gateway Computers / Corporate Overview
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This 20 page report discusses two of the most highly successful personal computer companies in the world - Dell and Gateway. Each of them have become darlings of the investment world and each is living up to their own publicity and promotion. A brief overview is given of each with an analysis of various financial features, ratios, and market position. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: Dellgate.wps

Adventurous Traveler Bookstore: An Analysis of a Mail Order Business
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An 18 page paper which discusses the mail order business called Adventurous Traveler Bookstore. The paper discusses the history of this business, and also provides a SWOT analysis of the company. Adventurous Traveler Bookstore is a mail order business begun in 1994. It worked primarily on the Internet and then was severely challenged by the presence of Amazon.com. Through various approaches to marketing, this company has passed the threat and continued on the road to success. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: RAadtrbook.wps

How To Maintain Intercontinental Hong Kong As The Market Leader In The Hospitality Industry
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This 40 page paper, including executive summary, examines the way in which the Intercontinental hotel in Hong Kong may retain its position as the market leader in hospitality industry. After a brief introduction the paper examines the position of the hospitality industry in Hong Kong and then looks at the competition faced by Intercontinental. A SWOT analysis is used to analyse the position of the hotel internally and within a broader environment. Following the analysis innovative plans are presented that will help the hotel remain as an industry leader. The bibliography cites 12 sources.
Filename: TEintercont.rtf

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