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Papers On International Business
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Has NAFTA Been a Success?
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This 10 page paper considers the aims and goals of NAFTA and then considers the evidence that may indicate whether or not NAFTA is attaining its' stated goals. The paper includes 3 graphs and the bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEnafta3.wps

Health and Pharmaceutical Business & Marketing In The New Millennium
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6 pages in length. As the new millennium approaches, business and marketing strategies within the health and pharmaceutical industries will continue to present inspired methods in order to reach for the highest profit margin. Not unlike other industries that rely upon a positive bottom line to remain competitive, the health and pharmaceutical industries are faced with ever-mounting competition in this day of high medical costs and escalating insurance premiums. Staying within the industry edge is as much of a concern for the health and pharmaceutical companies as it is for any other conglomerate. The writer discusses potential business and marketing strategies for the health and pharmaceutical industries in the new millennium. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: Pharheal.wps

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A 5 page research paper that examines how Hershey, Nestle and Mars, are jockeying for position in the world market for the twenty-first century, and then focuses on Hershey in more detail, with advice for its new CEO. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: khchoc.wps

Hindustan’s Negotiating Position
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An 11 page paper defining and discussing 9 international management topics including global business strategy, global product development, global account management and global supply chain management. The purpose of defining these issues is to enable Hindustan, an Indian electronics manufacturer, to gain a better position in its negotiations with a multinational electronics manufacturer to be chosen as the multinational’s partner in India. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: KSmgmtIntlNego.rtf

Hiring Considerations in Guatemala
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A 6 page paper discussing human resource considerations in a developing nation. Many employers do not meet the psycho-social needs of the staff, though there are those agricultural interests that are attempting to implement higher standards for themselves. Those who provide more than only subsistence wages without added benefit can become employers of choice and so have their choice of the best of the local work force. The end result is a win-win situation good for both workers and employers. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KShrGuatemala.rtf

History and Development of International Communication
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(5 pp) The history of international communication is as varied as the development of the nations themselves. The speed of development of all communications is linked to the economic progress of that nation. Where once the stories or the information seemed related to the community, then the state, and the nation, now, that same information can be transmitted with electronic speed to almost any where in the world. Yet are we all getting the same news? This discussion will examine the possibility and subsequent history that will put a different slant on the "spin" of international communications. Bibliography lists 3 sources)
Filename: BBprcomm.doc

Hofstede's Cultural Dimension: France & Japan
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A 5 page paper. This essay has two distinct parts. The first part considers the cultural differences between France and Japan using Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions. Specifically, it answers the question: What are two things management of a Japanese-owned plant located in France should do to minimize problems that could result form cultural differences. The second part asks the writer to apply evolutionary psychology. Specifically, to build an argument, based on evolutionary psychology, that supports this statement: Many business practices developed in corporate American do not fit the needs and wishes of American women. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: PGhofs.wps

Honda Motor Company and Its International Business
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This 6 page paper gives brief overview on the Honda Company and its marketing and development in the U.S.A. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Honda.wps

Honda; A Case Study
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This 9 page paper consider the Honda Motor Company. The paper starts by setting out the expectations of the stakeholders and then looks at the company in more detail, including a SWOT analysis, references to Porters competitive advantages and financial data. Recommendations are made and the methodology of measuring this in commercial and stakeholder terms is also included. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEhonda1.wps

Hong Kong In Crisis
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A 5 page paper. This paper discusses marketing as a process and how it extends beyond companies to nations. In this case, Hong Kong. For the first time, Hong Kong is facing competition it has never known before from mainland China and a number of cities. The territory is losing ground. This paper discusses how Hong Kong is in crisis at this time and the fact that it must market itself. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PGhongk.wps

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