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Papers On International Business
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India's Leather Industry
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A 9 page paper discussing the history, growth and current state of India's leather industry. Large and modern production facilities as well as subsistence farmers participate in the industry; the largest provide garments and shoes for Europe and US markets. India has fought the stereotype of poor quality for years, and it appears that its leather industry could be coming into its own now. Current complaints by PETA maintain that cows are cruelly treated, and the paper recommends ensuring that this is not the case or rectifying it if the charges are true. Otherwise, the industry holds even greater promise for the future. It already is a significant contributor to India's overall economy. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSIndiaLeather.wps

India: Economic Trade Policy With United States: Tutorial
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A 15 page paper. India has lifted numerous trade restrictions over the past ten years and particularly since 1997. This paper discusses India's economy, trade policies, changes in trade policies and why the reforms were made and the fact that globalization acted as one of the drives towards reforming their trade policies. Since agriculture is such a major part of the economy, there is a focus on this sector. 2 graphs reflection import and export with the United States are included. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PGindtr.rtf

India’s High Tech Industry: Successes and Shortcomings in the Software Export Industry
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A 10 page overview of India’s past and future in the high tech industry. This paper reviews India’s recent business history, recounting statistics, successes, and limitations. The author contends that While India has enjoyed a reputation of producing top players in the software design industry, many of those players must seek work outside the country. There are, in fact, many other shortcomings which act to limit India’s potential in this industry. The establishment of the high tech infrastructure needed to support software design and manufacture, software diversification, and the identification of other potential markets for export are items of priority for India in today’s complex business arena. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PPindSft.rtf

India’s International Relations
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A 6 page paper discussing India in terms of national security affairs research. US relations with India never have been adversarial, though some economic events under previous governments – such as the Indian government’s nationalization of a Coca-Cola factory in the 1970s - have strained relations for a time in the past. India’s status as a nuclear power and condemnation of terrorism dictate the wisdom of retaining friendly relations with the country, and growing economic relations help to cement that underlying relationship. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KS-IndiaIntl.rtf

Industrial Espionage: It Takes A Village
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This five-page-paper presents a detailed discussion about industrial espionage. Bibliography lists five sources.
Filename: CWespion.wps

Industrial Relations in Singapore
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This 16 page paper considers industrial relations in Singapore. Using an historical framework of industrialisation in the area the writer identifies, discusses and analyses the main features of employment relations in Singapore. Topics include an outline of the tripartite arrangements, the apparently good record and the contradictory nature of union members having a duel role as government employees. The bibliography cites 13 sources.
Filename: TEsinghr.wps

Industrial Research; A Case Study
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This 16 page paper considers the New Zealand organization that is a subsidiary of the Crown Research Institute in an holistic way. The paper looks at the expectations of the stakeholders and the position of the business in a competitive environment as well as its financial position. The final part of the paper then considers the weaknesses and recommends actions that may be undertaken to protect and enhances the organizations position. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEindres.wps

Industrialization and Democratization in Germany and Japan
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A 5 page paper examining whether industrialization and democratization may be different sides of the same coin. Among European countries, Spain failed to develop as greatly as did Germany. It also never did achieve democracy in any lasting way. France enjoyed democracy only intermittently, and its economy did not develop to the extent that Germany's and Great Britain's did. While it is doubtful that nations collectively feel any particular drive to democratize as they industrialize, the existence of a democracy appears to be much more favorable to business. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSindusGeJa.wps

Industry, Economy and Government in Belgium
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This 5 page paper examines the nation of Belgium with particular attention to trade and economics. The paper provides an overview on the business climate the exists in this European country. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA228Bel.rtf

Information Technology and its Effect on the Chemical Industry
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A 21 page paper assessing the value of chemical companies’ IT functions. The Bhopal disaster still would have occurred had the Internet existed in today’s commercial form at the time of the accident in 1985, but one can only speculate that the former Union Carbide would have been able to manage it better and perhaps save some of the lives that were lost. Internal and external pressures, the tightening economy and the continued trend to globalization all have brought about business changes that are systemic and likely permanent, and the chemical industry’s expansion of its IT capabilities focuses extensively on security and managing risk. IT plays a significant role in serving and monitoring the triple bottom line business model that Dow uses and likely will be instrumental in influencing other chemical industry organizations to adopt as well. The paper also discusses the growing importance of IT in managing organizations’ supply chains and monitoring their environmental effects. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSitChemInd.rtf

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