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Papers On International Business
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Integrated Marketing Communications – An Analysis
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A 43 page paper. The integrated marketing communications process puts one single, unifying message in front of consumers. Any communication message from the company, whether it is a public relations spot or a full-fledged marketing campaign carries this one message. This paper begins with an introduction that comments on advertising and the hierarchy of effects. It then explains and discusses the differences between integrated marketing communications (IMC) and traditional marketing communication. This is a comprehensive discussion of what IMC is and how it works, ending with a table illustrating the differences between IMC and traditional models. Next, is a brief discussion of the criticism levied against IMC and rebuttal. The writer then presents the results of some IMC campaigns and finally discusses the best uses for the IMC approach. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: PGimc.rtf

Integrating Foreign Employee
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This 5 page paper presents a scenario wherein a Japanese female engineer for a multinational corporation is assigned to the company's U.S. site for a six-month training program. The young women does not interact with others and seems to be alienated from the workplace. The essay discusses strategies for integrating this young women into the company and community more effectively. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGtmp.rtf

International Alliances
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A 6 page paper discussing the apparent dichotomy in nationalist sentiment in the presence of transnational alliances. Nationalism and transnationalism do have a common ground. Singapore would have made its great strides alone, but bringing neighbors along too strengthens the economic and political stability of the entire region, thereby contributing to Singapore's further growth as well. The relationships of these alliances can be beneficial both for individual nations and for the alliances to which they belong, whether in the form of NAFTA, NATO, MERCUR or the EU. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: KSintlAlly.rtf

International Aspects of the Ford Motor Company
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This 10 page paper looks at the international aspects of this major company. From the organizational structure, capital raising and foreign investment policies to the way in which operational strategies are formed as well as the acquisitions polices. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEfordg1.wps

International Auto Makers' Strategies & Tactics
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A 10 page paper discussing the reasons for the continued success of the Japanese auto makers in their competition with America's. The overall strategies and tactics are distressingly simple. The Japanese have never become complacent in their success in the American market and have retained their commitment to continually improve, as dictated by the precepts of Total Quality Management (TQM). Even when it appears that no such improvement is possible, they have known that improvement is always possible. Detroit, on the other hand, has raised to an art form the ability to find a laurel, such as the Ford Taurus, and then rest on it. Mary Kay Ash says nothing wilts faster, and Detroit has proven her statement true. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: JapnAut.wps

International Business
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This 6 page paper considers examples of barrier of trade, using the entrance of Vodafone into China, the potential macro influences that may be felt by any entrant into the US, including cultural, political and economic factors, and then looks at Porter’s strategic groups, giving examples. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEinstqu.rtf

International Business / Barriers to Trade
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A 20 page research paper that explores global trade which is increasing at astounding rates. Issues discussed include barriers to trade such as protectionism policies, trade sanctions and tariffs. A short section on advertising on the Internet is also included. Measures taken by several nations are reported and two countries are used as an example of how barriers inhibit trade in one and how new developments enhance international business in the other. Bibliography lists 15 sources.
Filename: Bartrad.wps

International Business and E-Commerce
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A 10 page paper discussing the link between international business and the ecommerce that the Internet has made possible over the past decade. Electronic business forms existed before the Internet, but only in limited venues and only in very large companies. The Internet enables the smallest of companies to "go global," even if they operate from the family's kitchen table. The paper provides a SWOT analysis of ecommerce in general terms, without focusing on any specific company. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSintlEcomm.wps

International Business and Employee Considerations
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This 10 page report discusses a number of factors associated with transferring an American employee to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Social, cultural, and communication problems are discussed. Bibliography only lists the case study used.
Filename: BWbigbnk.rtf

International Business Comparisons
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When attempting to compare businesses across international borders there are several factors that must be considered. Access to information in this age of globalization is not much of a problem if one has access to the internet. Most companies have provided pertinent information for individuals wishing to invest on-line. One problem is the lack of accounting standards applicable on a global level. It is common to find complete information for one, while only the bare minimum for others. This 4 page paper compares three companies in three different countries. To facilitate a viable comparison, all three companies are associated with the brewing and international distribution of beer. Asahi; in Japan; Bass Brewers, in Great Britain and Grupo Modelo, in Mexico were compared in terms of: sales in 1997; the percentage of increased sales from 1996; the percentage of the national market in 1997; size of the company, as indicated by the number of employees; operational profits in 1997 and the percentage of change in operational profits from 1996. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KTbeerco.wps

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