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Papers On International Business
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Issues And Challenges Facing Global Leaders
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A 6 page paper that addresses the question: What are the management issues and challenges facing global leaders. The writer outlines, describes, and discusses the issues and challenges as reported by numerous writers and practitioners. The writer also discusses the characteristics and skills today's global leaders must possess. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGglbld.wps

Issues for Managers in Developing Nations
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This 8 page paper considers three important issue for international managers based in developing countries. The issues considered include the way authority manifests in the culture, the impact of poverty and the manifestation of a masculine environment. The bibliography cites 10 sources.
Filename: TEmanint.rtf

Issues in Exporting
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This 4 page paper gives a concise look at some of the issues facing any business wishing to export its goods for the first time. The paper briefly considers product adjustments that may be necessary, distribution and well as product promotion in the new country. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEexport.wps

Issues in Globalization
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A 13 page paper discussing the benefits of globalization and cautions against it. Businesses must be able to generate profits in order to stay in business, and healthy businesses directly contribute to the growth of the economy in the local and regional area. Singapore stands as an example of what can be accomplished economically in only 40 years, but even the Singapore example is not perfect. Globalization can bring immense benefit to the people of a developing nation, but the effort must truly be sustainable over a long period of time to be of absolute benefit. Operating under the precepts of the "triple bottom line" orchestrates a "win-win" situation for all involved. The components of that bottom line include short term profitability for the organization; no net contaminant load on the local environment; and sustainability for the long term future. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSglobalIssues.rtf

Issues in International Trade
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This 8 page paper considers different factors that should be considered by a company seeking to sell multimedia medical products internationally. The paper answers five questions, concerning the political and social implications, the difficulties of delivery, the legal protection of the product in different countries, the ethics of using labour on another country to develop the product and the implications of setting up agents to sell the product in other countries. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEinttr1.rtf

Issues Involved in the Development of the European Community
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This is an 8 page paper discussing the issues involved in the development of the European Community. The unification of Europe into the European Community can be seen as a benefit for Europe as a whole economically but is also an economic and social benefit to each of the nation states concerned and has become a saving grace for the preservation of national identity within the nation states themselves. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJAlanM1.rtf

Japan & The Philippines / Comparison of Business Climates
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This 6 page paper compares the political and legal climates between Japan and the Philippines. A brief historical overview of each is included in the context of the discussion. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: Japhil.wps

Japan and Korea
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This 7 page paper considers both of these countries as potential destinations for investment. The writer looks at the similarities and differences in terms of social economic and cultural factors that may impact on an investment decision. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEkorjap.rtf

Japan's Changing Business Culture
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A 6 page paper discussing Japan's business environment as it relates to Japanese culture. There are many changes underway in Japan. One is that kiretsu ties are not as legally strong as they once were; another is that the former quality capital of the world is struggling with some significant and widespread quality issues. Still another is that employees are not quite as loyal as before. Japan's business and societal cultures have been so closely intertwined for so long that the foreign observer wonders how the existing system will deal with the latest revelations, but Japan is strong and has a solid values base from which to draw. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSJbizCul.wps

Japanese Products In The United States
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A 5 page paper that discusses Japanese products in America. Questions: Why does the American consumer prefer Japanese products? Why is there such a Japanese trade deficit in the automotive industry? Despite agreements signed in 1995, the trade deficit is as large as ever - or is it? What does this 'deficit' look like when one looks at the average money spent per Japanese citizen on American products. These issues are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGtrad2.wps

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