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Papers On International Business
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International Trade Questions
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This 5 page paper answers three questions; the first identifies the relevant official bodies in the US that deal with trade dumping complaints and gives examples of such cases. The second question looks at the difference between power-based and rule-oriented diplomacy and gives recent examples of a clash between the two styles, the third question summarizes what is meant by competitive advantage and comparative advantage. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEintqu1.rtf

International Trade Relations; The Decision of Chile to Look to the United States Rather than Join Mercosur
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This 5 page paper considers the decision of Chile to pursue trade relations and a formal trade agreement with the United States rather than join Mercosur. The paper considers the reasons behind this including those of potential as well as protection. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEchilus.wps

International Trade Theory and its' Application
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This 10 page paper considers the different international trade theories of both the classical school including Adam Smith and David Ricardo as well as the neo-classical Heckscher-Ohlin (HO) model. These models are then applied to Brazil and considered in the context of an American company wishing to set up in Brazil. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEbraint.wps

International Trade.
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(9pp) The true impact of international trade in the United States is the challenge to consider the redefinition of work. Notice that we are choosing to use the word, "work," not jobs. Unfortunately when we hear of a factory that is moving its plant to Mexico, or Asia, we are prone to think of the United States workers who may be loosing a job due to employment relocation. All members of the international trade game in the United States need to drop their ostrich like safety plans, and realize that only intelligent discussion, compromise, and action concerning the overall economic health of the United States is the major issue. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: BBintrad.doc

International Trade; Russia
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This 10 page paper considers trade patterns n Russia and argues that these are a reflection of the economic instability and may be seen as an indication of the developing nature of the relatively new capitalist economy. The bibliography cites 14 sources.
Filename: TErussae.rtf

Internet Impact On Air Cargo
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5 pages in length. From shoes to skateboards, airline tickets to automobiles, electronics to jewelry and food to flowers, there is virtually nothing consumers cannot purchase from the Internet. Even the smallest companies are finding their consumer reach is significantly greater with the help of Internet business. For the air cargo industry, this explosion of consumerism means even greater business, inasmuch as these items must be delivered from the online merchant to the customer. Indeed, the influx of Internet usage with regard to end user productivity has enabled the air cargo industry to soar. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCcargo.rtf

Interview with Sir Richard Sykes: The Role of Global Product Public Relations
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A 12 page paper presenting an 'interview' with the chairman of Glaxo Wellcome, the British pharmaceutical company. At the end of 1998, Market and Opinion Research International (MORI) released the results of its annual survey conducted to determine Britain's most impressive industrialist, and the winner was Sir Richard Sykes. The interviewer has approached Sir Richard for instruction on the value of global public relations and discovers from him a general description of global public relations, how it has changed in the past years and whether it truly has a place in marketing. Sir Richard says it does. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSglaxoW.doc

Investigating The Feasibility Of Expansion into Australia
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A 15 page paper evaluating Australia as a likely site of expansion for an ice plant operation. Various points specific to Australia are examined, including the physical attributes of the country, the state of the economy, the projected future of the tourism industry, the education level of the people and the technological state of Australia. The paper concludes that feasibility studies would be well-placed in evaluating the tourist areas of either Brisbane or Melbourne as intended sites of the ice plant expansion. Bibliography lists eight sources.
Filename: Aussie.wps

Investing In The German Music Industry
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9 pages in length. The writer discusses why there is economic potential for a company to invest in the German music industry, citing the rising popularity of rap and hip-hop music. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCinvst.wps

Ireland as an Expansion Site
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A 7 page paper discussing factors that should be examined when assessing a nation’s suitability as an international expansion site. Ireland has immensely favorable policies designed to encourage business investment there, and it has a well educated and motivated workforce. Long a center of education respected throughout the world, Ireland possesses many qualities that make it attractive as a business expansion site for the multinational organization. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: KSirelandBus.rtf

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