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Papers On International Business
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Is Culture a Barrier to Marketing Planning?
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This 12 page paper considers the statement that many researchers believe that culture is the real barrier to successful marketing Planning, this paper then discusses this with reference to both theory and example cases. The bibliography cites 20 sources.
Filename: TEintmkt.rtf

Is Globalization Reversible?
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A 10 page paper. Many believe that globalization is irreversible, that nothing can stop it. History has taught us otherwise. Today's global marketplace and society is not the first time globalization existed in the world. The last time was during the 19th century but it ended with the advent of World War I. The writer first provides the different definitions of "globalization' and points out their common factors. A description of globalization in the late 19th century is then provided along with authors who believe that globalization was more integrated at that time than it is today. The essay then discusses some past events and potential events that could cause globalization to be disrupted. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: PGglbrv.rtf

Is Imperialism Still a Relevant Issue in International Relations?
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An 11 page paper discussing whether nations with large and influential economies still retain the imperialistic dominance of the past. The concept of imperialism cannot be seen as being as relevant to international relations today as in the past. The globalization of business no longer requires that the government of the entering nation be specifically involved, and the realities of business today is that it must operate as efficiently as possible in order to be as profitable as it can manage to be. Nations not friendly to business are far less likely to be troubled with either physical or cultural imperialism, but they also are less likely to gain the prosperity that can improve their people's lives. Bibliography lists 12 sources.
Filename: KSimperial.wps

Is The Pursuit Of Globalization The Only Viable Future Scenario For Corporations?
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11 pages in length. It only makes good business sense for the corporate business environment to implement any and all changes so a company's social performance is appropriate with its orientation. By adopting the wide-open standards of globalization, businesses also open themselves up to myriad other benefits that such diversity imparts. Contemporary companies recognize the inherent relationship between business social performance and establishing a diversity program; as such, industry analysts readily assert how such proliferation of initiatives is based upon a foundation of business benefits, with diversity acting as the catalyst for improved bottom lines. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: TLCglobB.rtf

Is the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem Still Operational?
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A 7 page paper discussing unexpected wage movements in international trade. International trade theory says that as international trade increases, the wages of the unskilled labor of developing countries will rise, and to the detriment of the wages of skilled labor in rich countries. Not only has this not been the case in many instances, there are developing nations in which the pattern also has not held. The purpose here is to discuss the applicability of the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem to determine its continued usefulness. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: KSeconStolpSam.rtf

ISO 14000
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A 10 page paper meant to be a summary of an interview with the environmental manager of a company. John Ragsdale is the environmental manager of Pace Chemicals; the paper is a summary of his explanations of ISO 14000; the triple bottom line; sustainability; corporate social responsibility; and how these concepts can be useful to Pace Chemicals. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: KS-ISO14000.rtf

ISO 9000 And The Internal Audit
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This 9 page paper explains the ISO, the International Organization for Standardization, which is a non-governmental organization that was established in 1947 and which develops standards of quality. The ISO 9000 Quality Standards were initially launched in 1987, modified in 1995 and again in 2000. This essay explains what the ISO 9000 is and the difference between the three models of quality assurance comprising the ISO 9000 series. The writer also discuses the intent of ISO 9000 and the benefits of obtaining certification. The paper then discuses the internal audit to assure compliance and presents a 7 phase process for conducting the internal audit. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: PG9000.rtf

ISO 9000; Increased Productivity?
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This 10 page paper consider how the ISO 9000 quality certification may be seen as improving productivity. The paper looks at the way it may be perceived by businesses and uses an example to illustrate how it may be proven that ISO 9000 increases productivity. The paper then goes on to argue that productivity may also be increased in other, possibly more cost effective ways. The bibliography cites 8 sources.
Filename: TEiso901.wps

ISO Acquisition - Smart Strategy for Small Companies in a Globalized Market
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A 15 page paper that argues that the most effective sales strategy that a small business can adopt in the new globalized market is conformity to the standards set by the International Organization for Standardization and the acquisition of ISO registration. Discussed are the changes that have occurred in the worldwide market over the past decade, the new opportunity these changes present to small business owners, and the benefits ISO registration offers small businesses in this new market. Bibliography lists 10 sources. LCISOAcq.doc
Filename: LCISOAcq.doc

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This 8-page paper examines issues likely to be faced by global managers in the 21st century. This paper is written from an Asian perspective, and covers topics such as changes in workforce culture and technology. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: MTasiglo.rtf

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