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Papers On Business - Management
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Business Communication
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Choosing the Right Tools: A 5 page paper discussing the types of and reasons for business communication at various stages of projects. Every project, whether highly formal, highly informal or somewhere in between, consists of four phases: concept, development, implementation and close-out. Within each of these phases, the methods and forms of communication used by individuals and groups involved in the project are likely to change. The very success of the project can hinge in large part on the forms of communication used during any or each phase of the project. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
Filename: KScomBizTools.rtf
Business Communication (Guffey): chapter summaries and critical thinking questions
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Summary of selected chapters from Guffey's Business Communication, with specific reference to chapter review questions and ethical issues.
Filename: JLguffey3.rtf
Business Communications Differences Between Cultures
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This 7 page report discusses the many differences that exist in business communication between different cultures and the ways that culture, context, history, and belief systems have influenced such communication. There is often a measure of confusion about what a message is truly meant to convey and business serves as one of the most obvious examples. Examples related to the United States and other “Western” businesses are used in comparison to those of Asia, especially Japan and Thailand. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWculcom.rtf
Business Communications with Koreans
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5 pages. It is a sad fact
that too many managers and supervisors do not recognize the
far-reaching benefits of business communication across cultural
lines, choosing instead to rule with an autocratic and western
influence. To say that a company can flourish when there is no
sense of connectivity is to say that the company has no firm
foundation. This paper will consider opening interpersonal
communications between Koreans and their western counterparts
which will serve to not only increase the health index of a
company but to improve its bottom line as well. Bibliography
lists 4 sources.
Filename: JGAbslan.wps
Business Consulting and Information Retrieval
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A 6 page paper that discusses the number of ways business consultants can collect data to most effectively address the issues of individual companies. This paper examines the four most commonly used formats for collecting information and determines the two most effective. It should also be noted that combining more than one style may be necessary in order to collect the most representative information. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: Consult.wps
Business Continuity Management
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This 13 page paper considers what is meant by business continuity management and crisis management, the value it can ad and why it should be an essential part of any business strategy. The paper then goes onto consider the choices available and how a plan ay be developed ad implemented. The bibliography ites 7 sources.
Filename: TEbusrec.rtf
Business Continuity Services
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A 5 page paper which presents a general overview of
business continuity services. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: RAbizcon.rtf
Business Culture and Etiquette In Germany and Russia
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A 20 page paper examining the business culture and business etiquette in Germany and Russia, focusing on those issues that foreign business people should know in order to avoid inadvertently offending business people in either country. The paper includes assessment of each in terms of Hofstede’s cultural analysis as a means of estimating the likelihood of success of an international venture involving these two countries. The scenario in which a German company enters Russia is that most likely to succeed. The German company would need the assistance of Russian influence, but the countries’ people themselves are not that far apart culturally. Russia suffers from the lingering effects of communism, but those effects can be minimized with the creation and maintenance of an effective business culture within the organization. Bibliography lists 17 sources.
Filename: KSbusEtCulGermRus.rtf
Business Culture at UDL Holdings, Ltd.
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A 34 page paper discussing the
Confucian basis of Chinese culture and investigating whether UDL Holdings, a company
based in Hong Kong, does indeed fit the pattern of the Chinese family business culture. The
paper evaluates information available on the company and provides an extensive review of
literature intended to clarify the origins of much Chinese thought. A methodology section
discusses using an anonymous questionnaire and a focus group approach to eliciting
information from UDL managers, and suggests that a combination might provide useful
insight. Questions about approaches to family and work issues are intended to determine
any connection to Confucianism. If that connection is supported with analysis of data, then
the hypothesis that UDL Holdings fits the pattern of the Chinese family business culture will
be said to be supported. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
Filename: KSUDLbusCul-a.wps
Business Decisions; A Case Study
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This 3 page paper examines the different decision that could have considered when part of a business was sold and another built. The paper is based in a case study supplied by a student. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEbusdec.rtf
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