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Papers On Business - Management
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This 4-page paper is based on a Harvard Business Review case study of Buckman's technical knowledge-sharing ssytem called "K'Netix." Questions answered include the effectiveness of the system, how such effectiveness can be measured, as well as general lessons the case study provided in implementing this system.
Filename: MTbuckma.rtf

Budget Control at AT&T
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This 5 page paper examines an established control measure that AT&T has put in place. First quarter results are barely in, yet AT&T Broadband already is acting on the information gained from them. Revenues have increased, but cash flow has declined and the company has announced further job cuts as a result. AT&T has implemented budgetary control to inform and direct its decision making, taking it from the emotional to the objective realm where it can best benefit the company. This is not standard fare from a large company that is supposed to be bureaucratic and unable to act quickly. Bibliography lists 1 sources.
Filename: KS-ATTcontrol.wps

Budgeting for a Career
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This 6 page paper discusses budgeting for business purposes. Several areas are included such as employment expenses, working while in college as well as entrepreneurial planning. Examples are provided such as how one can juggle a work and school schedule as well as how one can plan financially for a seasonal enterprises. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: Budgcar.wps

Budweiser Uses The 4 'p's In Advertising
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A 5 page paper exploring how Budweiser makes use of the 4 'p's in their marketing campaigns. Specific examples are offered from actual advertising promotions. Bibliography included.
Filename: Budweisr.wps

Budweiser: A Hypothetical Marketing/Advertising Campaign for 2000
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A 14 page overview of a hypothetical marketing/advertising campaign for Anheuser-Busch. Relates the challenges faced by the company and proposes a limited geographic marketing/advertising campaign promoting a combination brewery/retail outlet. Suggests complimenting traditional advertising media with an electronic advertising campaign over the World Wide Web. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: PPbudwei.wps

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This 8-page paper focuses on the best way to build a strong consultancy-client relationship. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: MTclicon.rtf

Building an Effective Communications Plan Within an Organization
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This 6 page report discusses an organization (a large insurance company) that has recently experienced a communication audit that has shown the company is not appropriately addressing internal communication problems. The point is made that at its most fundamental core, the issue is one of establishing and maintaining effective communication and positive employee relations is much more than just newsletters and memos. It is a process that requires establishing relationships with various groups within the organization and then openly communicating with those groups. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: BWaudcom.rtf

Building An Effective Organization: Hospital
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An 11 page paper. The writer begins by defining what an organization is and describing an organization's purpose. The rest of the paper uses organizational theory and applies it to building and managing an effective and successful hospital. Strategic planning and management are at the core of building an effective organization, regardless of the industry. This paper uses these in relation to hospitals. Bibliography lists 11 sources. 2 illustrations are included.
Filename: PGhosp3.msw

Building Relationships in Wholesale Insurance
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A 5 page paper discussing conditions in the wholesale life insurance (annuity) industry. Brokers and advisors licensed to sell insurance products are required to accumulate a prescribed number of continuing education (CE) credits each year, and many wholesalers provide CE courses that can satisfy those requirements. It appears that wholesalers offering this service to those selling its products gain higher levels of business than those that do not. The purpose here is to assess whether such is the case, and why it might be so. The paper concludes that the practice is an example of effective customer relationship management (CRM). Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: KSmktgInsCRM.rtf

Building Supply & Game Theory
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A 7 page analysis of whether one company should go competitively head-to-head with a smaller competitor, using game theory for the analysis. Player 1 is contemplating a move against their prime competitor in the regional sales of building supplies by temporarily reducing their prices on Player 2's best-selling product. Player 1 is certain they will gain a significant percentage of Player 2's customers as a result of this move, but Player 1 cannot be certain that they will retain those customers once the price returns to higher levels. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Gamethe.wps

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