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Papers On Ethics
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Computer Ethics
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This 5 page paper explores computer ethics in the workplace and why managers should study the subject. The difference between ordinary ethical dilemmas and those involving computers are discussed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA044Com.rtf
Computer Ethics
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This 5 page paper takes a broad look at computer ethics, looking at what is meant by the term computer ethics, how the subject has evolved and the broad range of issues this covers in terms of the way information technology, computing and communication technology is used. The bibliography cites 5 sources.
Filename: TEcompeth.rtf
Conflict of Interest
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This 6 page paper examines a couple of conflict of interest cases. Various philosophical perspectives are discussed inclusive of utilitarianism and Kantian ethics.
Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: SA523coi.rtf
Connections Between Ethics And Materialism
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A 5 page paper discussing the moral emptiness that accompanies materialism as a life goal. Certainly, there is no sin in material wealth, as there is no general corollary between poverty and integrity, wealth and dishonesty. But materialism as a way of life erodes ethics. We need to adopt the guidance of 'love people; use things.' Too often, the focus is reversed. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: Ethmate.wps
Consanguineous Marriage: Constitutional?
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3 pages in length. Consanguineous marriages are most prevalent in global communities still untouched by such culturally revolutionizing events as industrialization and technological advancement, however, they still exist in many of today's more civilized societies. To marry and produce children with a close relative has long been an accepted approach for the perpetuation of the family, an aspect typically encouraged by religious doctrine. However, while this type of marital union may have an extensive presence in terms of historical validity, it cannot be considered constitutional from a number of different angles, not the least of which includes the notion of inbreeding, morbidity and mortality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: TLCConsanMrg.rtf
Considering Organ Donation
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5 pages in length. When one considers the fact that a single individual can give life to more than seven people, it is astounding to think that anyone would not consider organ donation. However, there are those who cannot see past their own personal concerns, knowing full well that once they are dead, their organs are of no further use to them. Typically, when asked for a reason, the most common
answers incorporate religion or fear, both of which carry with them heavy ethical motivation. The writer discusses the controversy behind organ donation, as well as addresses the views of Aristotle, Kant and Mill. Bibliography lists 4
Filename: TLCdonat.wps
Conspicuous Consumption and Morality
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A 4 page consideration of the question of whether conspicuous consumption is morally wrong. The author includes numerous Biblical quotes demonstrating that while wealth is not necessarily evil, when it leads to the idolatry of things it is not conducive to a Christian lifestyle. We should be truthful in all things and not exploit either people or circumstances. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPplain.rtf
Copyright And Genome Databases
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18 pages in length. The antagonistic issue of ownership is one that transcends virtually all boundaries of what might otherwise be considered a civilized society. From ancient Rome to contemporary times, the fight for lawful claim upon a certain entity has always been ensnared within the confines of man's contempt for fair distribution of any given commodity. The concern over the absence of any copyright protection laws for human genomics databases is but one of myriad issues surrounding the entire precarious research program; with sensitive and pertinent information being discovered in relation to human genomics research, and the fact that anyone is fully capable of securing that information without prior permission by only slightly modifying the existing database, original creators and critics are up in arms about the unethical and inequitable nature of such unprotected actions, a bone of contention that has existed in various forms for hundreds of years. Bibliography lists 30 sources.
Filename: TLCgenom.rtf
Corporate Ethics
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This 6 page paper examines a few scenarios and explores corporate ethics in general. Some examples are provided. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: SA626eth.rtf
Corporate Ethics in a Multicultural Environment
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This 12 page paper takes a look at corporate ethics and how companies can embrace programs to enhance ethical performance. A case study is used involving a company situated in Germany. An outline is included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: SA302eth .rtf
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