Papers On Ethics
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Alcoholics, Recovered Alcoholics, and Liver Transplants
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This 8
page report discusses whether or not alcoholics and recovered
alcoholics should have an equal opportunity and access to liver
transplantation. The simple and undeniable fact is that the
number of people with liver disease and other related conditions
who could significantly benefit from a liver transplant is far
greater than the number of donor livers available. Therefore,
difficult questions must be asked and criteria set to deal with
it. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: BWlivalc.rtf
Alternative Solution for a Potentially Compromising Business Situation
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A 5 page solution to a situation facing a new-hire at a company which manufactures therapeutic medical devices. The new-hire has been instructed to misrepresent their volume needs to an outside provider with the intent of canceling the order after the smaller volume which is really needed had been obtained. Although the supervisor sees this as the only means of obtaining the small quantity of specialized tool upon which company survival rides (a volume which the outside firm could not feasibly produce with any profitability for themselves), the new-hire recognizes that misrepresenting his company’s intentions to another company would not only be a sure way of gaining an even worse industry reputation than what his new company already had but quite possibly immerse the company in a costly and counterproductive legal proceedings. The new-hire figures out an alternative approach which preserves both his personal ethics and his company’s reputation. No sources are listed.
Filename: PPbusAny.rtf
American Decency Association
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A 16 page paper which takes an in-depth look at the
American Decency Association. Bibliography lists 9 sources.
Filename: RAdecenc.rtf
American Society of Public Administration’s Code of Ethics
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This is a 15 page paper which examines the American Society of Public Administration's Code of Ethics.
The bibliography has 7 sources.
Filename: JHAmer.rtf
American Values: Ideal Cultural Values and Reality
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This is a 5 page paper discussing ideal cultural values of Americans in comparison with the standards of real American society. American’s cultural norms and values which are touted as ideal and as true American values often lead to ambiguity in the youth of the country when they view which values seem to be more of a reality in the daily lives of Americans. Some of the traditional American values of freedom of life, religion and labor in addition to equal rights and responsibility of others often times seem ambiguous when in reality Americans seem to place more importance on individualism, time, efficiency, materialism and action among others. Traditionally, morals and values were reinforced through the family, the church and the educational system. Now in a time when over fifty percent of children come from households which have experienced divorce, the teachings of the church are often in conflict with parts of the Constitution and the educational system has turned away from moral “character education”, the youth of today and in fact many of the adults as well have a difficult time defining the real values in the American society of today.
Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TJAmerv1.rtf
An Analysis of the Article "Letting Handicapped Babies Die":
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This 5 page paper is an analysis of the views of Peter Singer and Helga Kuhse who believe that babies who are born with certain handicaps and/or disabilities should be able to be put to death up to 28 days after being born. This is a philosophy paper and refelcts both the opinions of these philosophers as well as opinions of the author of the paper. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: GSBabies.rtf
An Analysis of the Ethics of Donald Rumsfeld
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This 6 page paper uses the book called Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet to evaluate the life and works of Donald Rumsfeld. His role as Secretary of Defense is concerned along with his work in the private sector.
No additional sources cited.
Filename: SA247Don.rtf
An Analysis of the Ethics of Steve Jobs
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This 5 page paper uses the book called Good Work: When Excellence and Ethics Meet to evaluate the life and works of Steve Jobs. His role as Apple's founder as well as his personal life are discussed in depth. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: SA247Job.rtf
An Argument For Euthanasia
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This 5 page paper provides a supportive argument for euthanasia, arguing a number of important points regarding this issue. This paper argues elements like the impacts of modern medicine, the ethics of prolonging life and the problems related to the process of legalizing euthanasia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: MHeuth3.wps
An Argument for Self Directed Euthanasia
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A 5 page contention that assisted dying should be legal option for the terminally ill. The specifics of that option, however, should somehow be related to the person's ability to make a cognizant decision to terminate their own life. This decision
should be made either prior to the point where they are no longer capable of functioning logically (such as in the case of an advanced directive)
or at the point when they are actively seeking euthanasia as a result of their perception that they have a intolerable quality of life and are
enduring pain and suffering that the medical profession cannot alleviate. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PPeutha7.rtf
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