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Papers On Ethics
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Business and Ethics
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This 51 page paper looks at the role of ethics in business and how it is perceived. The papers seeks to answers two questions; 1. To what extent do companies heed ethical guidelines? 2. To what extent do the public believe company information regarding ethical issues? The paper starts by looking at the way strategy is formed and how ethics may be seen in this process. Different approaches to examining ethics and business are then considered, including models such as shareholder wealth maximization and corporate wealth maximization, and looking at the philosophical approach using the theories of Kant and Mills. The Global Compact from the United Nations is also included. This is followed by a case study showing how a company can be ethical and profitable. The last part of the paper is primary research that examined how consumers see business and ethics as conflicting. This is ascertained with the use of a survey, the questionnaire and presentation of the results are all included. The bibliography cites 31 sources.
Filename: TEbusethics.rtf
Business Ethics and the Enron Scandal
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A 9 page discussion of the ethical implications of the Enron scandal of 2002. The author examines the developments within Enron in terms of the ethical and moral justification in the choices corporate executives make in life when they have different agendas from that of their companies. John Stewart Mill's theory of utilitarianism and Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative of reason are of particular benefit in this ethical examination. Bibliography lists 6 sources
Filename: PPenron.rtf
Business Ethics: Smith, Rawls, Nozick :
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This 4 page paper responds to these questions: How is Adam Smith's 'invisible hand' theory relevant to consumer rights and advertising? Whose responsibility is it when products are dangerous, defective or misused? and Discuss differences between the justice theories from John Rawls and Niznik in reference to employment at will, comparable pay, and intellectual property rights. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: PGsmranz.rtf
Business Ethics; Enron and Shell
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This 6 page paper considers to what extent big corporations conform to ethics in business. The paper explores this by examining the ethical behaviour of the failed US company Enron and then comparing this with Royal Dutch Shell. The bibliography cites 19 sources.
Filename: TEshllen.rtf
Business Ethics; The Use of Stem Cells in Research
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This 13 page paper looks at the ethical dilemma of using stem cell research to find a cure or treatments for medical conditions. To consider this the importance of the research is considered and the religious or ethical objections are considered before applying a utilitarian and deontological approaches to determine the right or wrong ethical stance. The bibliography cites 7 sources.
Filename: TEethstemcell.rtf
Can Lying Actually Be a Good Thing?
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A 6 page paper which examines how, with a very powerful election coming up, the President has been accused of lying and withholding information. The paper discusses whether or not lying can be considered a good thing under certain circumstances. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
Filename: RAliebsh.rtf
Capitalism, Victimization, and the Criminal Justice System: The Ethical Implications of Allowing Criminals to Profit From Their Crimes
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A 3 page observation that capitalism can be linked to victimization and the criminal justice system in a number of diverse ways. One of the most disturbing of these, however, is the contemporary trend of criminals capitalizing on their crimes after their conviction and imprisonment by making book and movie deals or even producing art or song lyrics. The author explores the ethical implications of this situation. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: PPcrmPr2.rtf
Captain Rockwood And Haiti: Military Ethics
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5 pages in length. Captain Rockwood experienced a collision between conscience and duty, a test of one's moral constitution from which no human can escape unscathed; if the issue at hand is so daunting as to erect such a pillar of doubt, while at the same time drive one to contemplate the validity of its importance over and above one's personal conflict, then there can be no question as to the legitimacy of hesitation. From childhood and throughout his learning years, Rockwood felt an entirely different calling than the one that expected him to carry forth the family's military tradition. Indeed, the humanitarian empathy in him exuded from the apex of his entire being; how, then, could a man who at one time trained to be a priest be expected to ignore the calling of blatant barbarity? Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCRockw.rtf
Case Study Analysis: Pharmacists and the Pill
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This 10 page paper uses a case study submitted by a student to evaluate the dilemma of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for birth control. Ethics theory is relayed and applied. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA612Rx.rtf
Case Study In Ethics: The Death Penalty
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5 pages in length. The ethical debate over the death penalty is one of the most hotly contested political and social topics of all time. When one considers such concepts as altruism, Utilitarianism, Kant's Categorical Imperative and positive/negative duties, it becomes quite clear that the ethical implications of capital punishment can certainly go either way. Leonard Pitts, Jr. attempts to place a modicum of understanding upon the oftentimes indefinable nature of ethics in "Fitting End to Death Penalty," providing an insightful glance from both sides of the issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCEthDP.rtf
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