Papers On Ethics
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Captain Rockwood And Haiti: Military Ethics
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5 pages in length. Captain Rockwood experienced a collision between conscience and duty, a test of one's moral constitution from which no human can escape unscathed; if the issue at hand is so daunting as to erect such a pillar of doubt, while at the same time drive one to contemplate the validity of its importance over and above one's personal conflict, then there can be no question as to the legitimacy of hesitation. From childhood and throughout his learning years, Rockwood felt an entirely different calling than the one that expected him to carry forth the family's military tradition. Indeed, the humanitarian empathy in him exuded from the apex of his entire being; how, then, could a man who at one time trained to be a priest be expected to ignore the calling of blatant barbarity? Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: TLCRockw.rtf
Carter/”Just Be Nice”
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A 4 page essay that is in reaction to “Just Be Nice,” Stephen L. Carter, which is an essay that calls for a return to civility and argues that the “protection of constructive and polite public discourse is essential to public morality and the common good” (Davis 689). Roger Williams, the seventeenth century Puritan leader who founded the colony of Rhode Island, emphasized the need for civility, as he argued that the “’term’ civility’ stands for basic moral norms that citizens hold in common” and this is a stance in which Carter concurs (Davis 689). Therefore, rude, vulgar speech that accosts one’s fellow citizens for no apparent reason is more than simply bad manners. It is a direct attack on the foundations of society itself. This point is proven by examining the functions that civility serves in society, and also by looking at the innate power of language. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
Filename: khcivil.rtf
Case Study Analysis: Pharmacists and the Pill
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This 10 page paper uses a case study submitted by a student to evaluate the dilemma of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for birth control. Ethics theory is relayed and applied. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
Filename: SA612Rx.rtf
Case Study In Ethics: The Death Penalty
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5 pages in length. The ethical debate over the death penalty is one of the most hotly contested political and social topics of all time. When one considers such concepts as altruism, Utilitarianism, Kant's Categorical Imperative and positive/negative duties, it becomes quite clear that the ethical implications of capital punishment can certainly go either way. Leonard Pitts, Jr. attempts to place a modicum of understanding upon the oftentimes indefinable nature of ethics in "Fitting End to Death Penalty," providing an insightful glance from both sides of the issue. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: TLCEthDP.rtf
Case Study – Phillip Morris Ethical Analysis
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A 9 page paper based on a case study provided by the student. The headings include: principal facts of the case, ethical issues, primary stakeholders, possible alternatives, evaluation of each alternative according to utilitarian, justice/fairness and right/duty perspectives, constraints, implementation of selected alternative. Case has to do with Phillip Morris expanding its cigarette market to Third World and East European countries. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: PGphmrs.rtf
Case Study: Ethical/Value Dilemmas And Conflicts
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10 pages in length. An individual wants to work within the social work field – either paid or voluntary – however, as he works in partnership to find employment, another professional suggests to the social worker that he is not ready to return to work. Several ethical/value dilemmas and conflicts are present here, not the least of which include the level of competence the returning social worker is deemed to have (or not have). Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCCaseEth.rtf
Censorship: Necessary and Impossible
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A 6 page paper which examines how some form of censorship is necessary to protect people, but also how censorship is impossible at the same time. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: RAcnim.rtf
Character Education in the Public Schools
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A 13 page paper discussing the “dangerous” ground of including moral education in the public schools. Among those schools that have been most successful in achieving impressive academic gains has emerged a paradox: academic excellence does not emerge in an atmosphere void of personal responsibility and dedication to the work at hand. Nor does it thrive in the environment in which there is no cooperative effort or attention to helping peers. It seems that we had to abandon values in order to realize their relative worth. As public schools are called to accountability for results as never before, there is also much more attention to character education. Bibliography lists 14 sources.
Filename: KSeduChar.rtf
Charles Taylor & The Ethics Of Authenticity
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An 8 page paper that provides an overview of Taylor's work. This paper supports Taylor's reflections of the process of the individual within society, especially as he reflects on the issues for an individual within our technologically and bureacratically advanced society. No additional sources cited.
Filename: Taylorc.wps
Charles Taylor's "The Ethics Of Authenticity": Modernity
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7 pages in length. Charles Taylor condones the notion of progress – it is just the residual effect that modernity creates that has him rather perturbed. In his book entitled "The Ethics Of Authenticity," Taylor weighs the quest of modernity to the fundamental aspects of being humane by questioning the very actions by which people have come to live their lives. The writer discusses how Taylor employs three malaises that effectively pose his concerns of a society gone awry from the influence of modernity: the comprehensive and far-reaching loss of meaning, the postulation that values have taken a back seat to personal conquest and the doubtful existence of a healthy self-government due to the presence of special-interest politics, with particular attention focuses on the first two. No additional sources cited.
Filename: TLCtylor.wps
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