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Papers On International Business
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Japan's Changing Business Culture
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A 6 page paper discussing Japan's business environment as it relates to Japanese culture. There are many changes underway in Japan. One is that kiretsu ties are not as legally strong as they once were; another is that the former quality capital of the world is struggling with some significant and widespread quality issues. Still another is that employees are not quite as loyal as before. Japan's business and societal cultures have been so closely intertwined for so long that the foreign observer wonders how the existing system will deal with the latest revelations, but Japan is strong and has a solid values base from which to draw. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
Filename: KSJbizCul.wps

Japanese Products In The United States
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A 5 page paper that discusses Japanese products in America. Questions: Why does the American consumer prefer Japanese products? Why is there such a Japanese trade deficit in the automotive industry? Despite agreements signed in 1995, the trade deficit is as large as ever - or is it? What does this 'deficit' look like when one looks at the average money spent per Japanese citizen on American products. These issues are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGtrad2.wps

Job Analysis: Certified Practising Accountant- Australia
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This 6 page paper is a job analysis of the management accountant for a fictitious firm. Three methods are used in combination to perform the job analysis and the areas of expertise as described by CPA Australia are used as a benchmark. The analysis indicates the firm needs to change the actual functions being performed. Reasons for the changes are discussed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
Filename: PGmgacau.rtf

Johnson and Johnson Case Study
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This 6 page paper considers a case study provided by the student. The writer answers questions regarding the benefits of a global strategy and how employees may add value to the company through exposure to the global culture. The bibliography cites 6 sources.
Filename: TEjohnjn.rtf

Joint Ventures and International Business in China
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This 8 page report discusses international joint ventures in China and the successes of joint business ventures between Chinese business and foreign businesses. The ability of business investors who reside in one country and invest in a business in another to influence the firms in which they have an ownership stake is an issue of long-standing concern. With the growth of large corporations and the dispersion of their stockholders in the past several decades, concern about the divorce of ownership from control became important. The question of establishing wholly-owned business in China has become an issue of concern, as well as the future of multinational enterprises both in and with China. Bibliography lists 10 sources.
Filename: BWjoint.wps

Joint Ventures in China
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This 10 page paper considers a company that wishes to set up a joint venture in China. The writer examines why a joint venture is the best structure for the business in the foreign environment and the problems that may be faced. The writer also explains the legal process of setting up a pint venture step by step. The bibliography cites 11 sources.
Filename: TEchinjv.wps

Kazakhstan: Prospect Of Multinational Corporate Investments
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7 pages in length. Russia's economic base has been under considerable modification since the collapse of the Soviet Union, making the transition from polar opposites even more difficult for such transitional state of Kazakhstan. Particularly influenced by the fall have been its business people, who have attempted to stand strong throughout all the upheaval and attract the economic security of multinational corporations. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
Filename: TLCkazak.rtf

Kentucky Fried Chicken in Japan
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A 6 page paper based on Harvard case 387-043. KFC's early globalization strategy has been described as throwing mud against the wall to see what sticks, an apt description of the uninvolved approach management took to establishing international presence. To KFC's credit, the company's push toward globalization began long before most other large organizations sought to expand into international markets and before many discoveries were made about international operations and nuances of culture. Even so, headquarters' management's unpredictable behavior equates to extremely poor management. In establishing KFC in Japan, Loy Weston's approach was no better than headquarters' management, but it did produce results. Bibliography lists 1 source.
Filename: KSKFCJap.wps

KFC; A Case Study
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This 5 page paper looks at the company KFC, also known as Kentucky Fried Chicken. The current position of the company is considered and a brief SWOT analysis is conducted before the paper looks to consider how the company should move forward. The bibliography cites 1 source.
Filename: TEkfcswt.wps

Kikkoman Corporation
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This 10 page paper examines Kikkoman Corporation, the well known Japanese manufacturer of soy sauce and many other products. The paper analyses the macro environment, the position of the company, its’ strengths and weaknesses and its’ financial performance. The paper then makes some suggestions for future strategies based in the report findings, including how they may be implemented. The bibliography cites 4 sources.
Filename: TEkikkom.rtf

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